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Abstract : A model is a simplified representation of a real-life situation. This paper proposes a mathematical model Epidemics spread e.g. HIV/AIDS. The peculiar applicability and limitations of this model with reference to Nigeria were examined. We also elaborated why modeling of epidemics is one of the most needed statistical supports for meeting the millennium development goals (MDGs), particularly in Nigeria. We concluded by proposing a disease transmission predictive mode which could be used to project the spread of epidemics in our society.
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Abstract : The important role played by informal sector in the provision of employment opportunities and income generation cannot be over emphasized. The contribution of the sector in absorbing the abundant unemployed labour force formally, serve as a bridging gap between wage employment and being unemployed. The sector is constrained by the size of capital, poor infrastructural facilities and shortage of raw materials or where the raw materials are available the technology is not there. Simple descriptive method of analysis is employed in this paper. One of the findings is that the sector serves as a means of diversifying the productive base of the economy and utilizing the indigenous resources. It is recommended therefore that despite efforts made by the government in assisting micro enterprises a lot need to be done in the provision of credit facilities, training and that production of certain goods in the economy. Marketing for these goods should be created by the government as seen in many developing economies like china, Korea and India.
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Title : Monitoring Automobile Tyre Pressure with Statistical Computations and J48 Decision Tree Algorithm Authors : Hemanth Mithun Praveen, V. Sugumaran
Abstract : Currently tyre pressure monitoring systems are used in automobiles to determine the air pressure of the tyres. These systems use pressure sensors in case of direct systems or wheel speed sensors in case of indirect systems. In this study the problem was treated as a fault diagnosis problem in which a MEMS accelerometer was used to detect vibration from the wheel hub of the vehicle. These vibration signals were extracted by selecting a suitable sampling rate. Statistical features were computed from the acquired signals and classified using the J48 Decision tree algorithms. By interpreting the signals the tyre pressure could be predicted indirectly. No major modifications were performed on the vehicle.
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Title : Comparative Study of the Compressive Strength of concrete when Natural Crushed Stone Coarse Aggregate is replaced by Recycle Aggregates and Coconut Shells Authors : Vikash Kumar Singh, Pradeep Tiwari, Devansh Jain
Abstract : Construction in growing all over the world, due to this availability of natural building material becomes less. When we talk about the coarse aggregates the first thing comes in our mind is natural crushed stone. In the present scenario availability of natural stone is less, and also natural stones are not easily available. To reduce this problem there are certain wastes by which Natural Crushed stone can partially can replaced. In this paper natural crushed stone (NCS) is partially replaced by Recycle Aggregates (RA) and Coconut Shells (CS). In Concrete Mix of M30 was prepared in that coarse aggregate was replace by 5%, 10% and 15% of Recycled aggregate (RA) and Coconut Shells (CS).
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Title : A REVIEW ON THE PROTECTION SCHEMES FOR THE ALTERNATOR Authors : D. Edison Selvaraj, Dr. C. Pugazhendhi Sugumaran, J. Ganesan, M. Raj Kumar
Abstract : In this paper, the different types of faults occurring on the alternator were discussed. The causes and effects of faults occurring on the alternators were also discussed. The protective methods used for alternators were elaborated. The necessity of alternator protection was studied. All the causes and effects of alternator faults were given in different sequence diagrams. This paper would be useful for young engineers to at least study the important faults occurring in the alternators
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Title : FUZZY BASED DPFC FOR DAMPING POWER SYSTEM OSCILLATIONS Authors : R.Surendra Naik, S.Ravindra, Dr.P.Hari Krishna Prasad
Abstract : A new control scheme to improve the stability of a system by optimal design of distributed power flow controller (DPFC) based stabilizer is presented in this paper. The paper demonstrates the basic module, steady state operation, mathematical analysis, and current injection modeling of the DPFC.
The purpose of the work reported in this paper is to design an oscillation damping controller for DPFC to damp low frequency electromechanical oscillations. A damping controller is provided to improve the damping of power system oscillations. Through damping controller an electrical torque in phase with speed deviation is to be produced in order to improve the damping of the system oscillation. Here the proposed fuzzy supplementary controller is used for damping oscillations. Results demonstrate that DPFC with the proposed model can more effectively improve the dynamic stability and enhance the transient stability of power system compared to without fuzzy logic based damping controllers.
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Abstract : Healthcare facilities have at their disposal vast amounts of cancer patients’ data. Medical practitioners require more efficient techniques to extract relevant knowledge from this data for accurate decision-making. However the challenge is how to extract and act upon it in a timely manner. If well engineered, the huge data can aid in developing expert systems for decision support that can assist physicians in diagnosing and predicting some debilitating life threatening diseases such as cancer. Expert systems for decision support can reduce the cost, the waiting time, and liberate medical practitioners for more research, as well as reduce errors and mistakes that can be made by humans due to fatigue and tiredness. The process of utilizing health data effectively however, involves many challenges such as the problem of missing feature values, the curse of dimensionality due to a large number of attributes, and the course of actions to determine the features that can lead to more accurate diagnosis. Effective data mining tools can assist in early detection of diseases such as cancer. In This paper, we propose a new approach called IGANFIS. This approach optimally minimizes the number of features using the information gain (IG) algorithm which is usually used in text categorization to select the quality of text. The IG will be used for selecting the quality of cancer features by virtue of reducing them in number. The reduced number quality features dataset will then be applied to the Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) to train and test the proposed approach. ANFIS method of training is ideally the hybrid learning algorithm which uses the gradient descent method and Least Square Estimate (LSE) for computing the error measure for each training pair. Each cycle of the ANFIS hybrid learning consists of a forward pass to present the input vector calculating the node outputs layer by layer repeating the process for all data and a backward pass using the steepest descent algorithm to update parameters, a process called back propagation.
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Title : Impact of Exponential and Hyperbolic discounting function in effectiveness of sales promotion Authors : Somesh Kumar Sinha, Dr. Priyanka Verma
Abstract : The sales promotion tools and technique are very widely used in modern marketing practices. Their impact on consumer buying behavior is a subject of study and a lot of study is also made in this field. This research paper concentrates on studying the impact of hyperbolic and exponential function in sales promotion tools. This paper analyses the economic decision making of any customer. The product preference by customer is having impact of sales promotion tools but the time of receiving the benefit of sales promotion is also an important issue which customer analyses during purchase. This paper reveals the customer attitude during the purchase whether they think rationally or show a impulsive behavior to get benefit of sales promotion. For the study we have taken 168- sample size from the population of Bhopal and the study is done for FMCG products.
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Abstract : The objective of this research is to optimize the select technical trading rules. The rules uses a genetic algorithm based on technical analysis indicators such as Exponential Moving Average (EMA), Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD), Relative Strength Index (RSI) and Filter that gives buying and selling recommendations to investors. The algorithm optimizes the strategies by dynamically searching to improve profitability in the training period. The best sets of rules are then applied on the testing period. This paper proposes a novel idea to find a suitable technical trading rule which is systematically optimized to generate excess returns in the leading Indian Stock markets.
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Title : The Traveling Salesman Problem Using Minimum Spanning Tree Approach Authors : Zhao Zi Chao, Wen Jia Heng, Arun Kumar Sangaiah
Abstract : The Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) is a widely mentioned classic case in data structure and algorithm, which can be solved in many methods. The idea was first aroused in a brochure, mentioned a problem of a salesman travelling through Germany and Swiss. At that time, the problem remained unclear and came up with no mathematical methods. The task allows a list of cities and their pair-wise distances, aiming to find out a shortest route, which visited each city only once, in order to save time and money. In this paper we are planning to consider the solution of Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) on a complete graph G = (V, E) with n=10 vertices. We have listed 10 different cities in China and aimed to find out a best route for the customers based on their inputs about which cities are the final and shortest destinations. We shall consider the method for solving the problem: first, using Minimum Spanning Tree in Heuristic Searching Algorithm, to find the shortest path. Mark the coordinates of each city and turn the statistics into distances (kilometers). Add a group of input figures, such as the number of cities visited and which is the beginning location. Output the best route for the clients eventually.
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Title : Analysis, Design and Simulation of A Sliding Mode Controlled Bidirectional Dc-Dc Converter Authors : Mrs. Jyothsnadevi Metta, Dr. S. Satyanarayana
Abstract : This paper describes a bidirectional DC-DC Converter, an advanced DC-DC Converter. The structure of the proposed converter is very simple and employs a coupled inductor with same winding turns on both primary and secondary sides. In step-up mode, to achieve high step-up voltage gain, the primary and secondary windings of the coupled inductor are charged in parallel and discharged in series. In step-down mode, to achieve high step-down voltage gain, the primary and secondary windings of the coupled inductor are charged in series and discharged in parallel. Thus, the proposed converter has higher step-up and step-down voltage gains than the conventional bidirectional boost/buck converter. The operating principle and efficiency analysis are discussed in detail. In this project a 14/42-V circuit is designed for automobile battery system. The simulation is done in MATLAB/Simulink with Sliding Mode Controller using voltage mode control strategy. The simulation results are compared with the open loop mode for verifying steady state as well as dynamic performance of the converter.
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Title : Rapid Incremental Innovation Strategy: Sustainable Competitive Advantage Authors : Lowell Broom, David L. Loudon, Robert W. Service, David Sonius
Abstract : Recent events have caused us to think anew about the issues accompanying our constantly connected, overly informed, multitasking lives. This new thinking requires a level of “mindfulness” where one takes the time to think about how they might improve themselves, our governments and organizations. For any entity to improve and survive, it needs to maintain a faithful curiosity by listening, looking, observing, interacting and practicing to re-assess/think/define and ultimately continuously repurpose who and what “it” is in the moment while preparing for the future. By thinking innovatively, we learn to think and innovate (Ridley, 2014 and Sternberg all dates).
We start by reminding ourselves that technology is neither good nor bad. It is how we use technology and what it accomplishes that makes it positive or negative: clear thinking and appropriate use make “tech” good. We add the fact that the most powerful imperative in staying competitive personally and organizationally is becoming and remaining innovative. We also look at the way we think and how we prefer “wish-fullness” over reality in order to make some sense of strategically minding the gaps between where we are and where we need to be. We all tend to think in a skewed fashion and we must realize that fact before we can effectively “think outside the box”. Only then we can start to realize the benefits of rapid incremental innovation.
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Title : Image segmentation and Compression Techniques –A study Authors : V. Divya, S. Murali Mohan, P.P S Naik
Abstract : Image segmentation is portioning into regions. This paper gives the overview of the invention of image compression. Also various methods of image compression, coding the image data into a compact form are discussed. An imaging apparatus receives a stream of image data compressed according to a token based compression algorithm. The token dictionary is decompressed and processed according to desired standards such as optimizing for a particular image output device. After revision, the revised tokens are stored in a revised dictionary which is accessed upon decompression of image content. When the image content is decompressed the locations in the compressed or coded input data stream refer to locations in the revised dictionary which are extracted and output either to hard copy or for further processing .This paper reports some pioneering work in this direction to show that compressed image processing could well become a new research area and challenge right through the next century
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Title : A Novel 2/2 Second-Order Compensator used with a Highly Oscillating Second-Order Process Authors : Galal A. Hassaan
Abstract : Compensators are used in place of classical PID controllers for possible achievement of better performance. Unsatisfactory dynamics of some industrial processes represent an engineering problem that has to be solved. Highly oscillating processes and very slow processes are examples.
In this paper a novel 2/2 second-order compensator based is proposed and applied to control a process having 85 % overshoot and 6 seconds settling time. The proposed compensator is capable of controlling the steady-state characteristics of the closed-loop control system and its dynamic characteristics. The advantage of the proposed compensator is its simple tuning using MATLAB without need to the optimization toolbox. It is possible with the second-order compensator to satisfy a system performance without any overshoot with a settling time of only 0.2 seconds and steady-state error as low as 0.01 for a unit step input.
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Title : IRS LISS-III Images Classification using Artificial Neural Network Authors : Mr. Anand Upadhyay, Dr. Santosh Kumar Singh, Mr. Kuldeep Kandwal, Mr. Sachin Kambli
Abstract : Remote Sensing has been globally and widely used for knowledge elicitation of earth’s surface and atmosphere. Land use and land cover mapping is one of the widely used applications of remote sensing. It is a method for acquiring geo-spatial information from satellite data. Here we have attempted to solve the land use and land cover problem by image classification using the artificial neural network. The purpose of this paper is to develop a classifier which is use to classify the LISS-III satellite images into different classes as sweet water, salty water, forest, mangroves and settlement. The proposed classifier is developed using artificial neural network with back propagation of error in Matlab. It uses the supervised classification technique applied on the LISS-III IRS-P6 data set. The accuracy of the classifier is calculated using the confusion matrix and Kappa value. It is observed that the accuracy of the classifier is 95.17% and Kappa value is 0.9289 which is very good.
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Title : Minimum Delay Routing Optimized AODV Protocol in Wireless Networks under Heavy Traffic Authors : A.Priyadharshini, Dr.M.Devapriya
Abstract : The Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is a network consisting of a set of mobile hosts capable of communicating with each other without the assistance of base stations. The dynamic topology of a mobile ad hoc network poses a real challenge in the design of a MANET routing protocol. A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is characterized by energy limited nodes, bandwidth constrained, variable capacity wireless links and dynamic topology, leading to frequent and unpredictable connectivity changes. The propose minimum delay routing protocol is based on the minimum delay path selection using link expiration time and minimum expected delay calculation criteria, regardless of the paths load analysis. According to messages will be delivered to the sensor that has at least a connected path with their hosting nodes, and has the shortest expected delay to communication directly with the sink node. So MAODV use the expiration time of path to indicate the valid time of the path, and avoid wrong transmissions. The proposed minimum delay routing protocol with limited TTL (Time to Live) of RREP packet in which the route reply (RREP) packet of AODV is modified to limit TTL information of nodes. Experiments have been carried out using network simulator (Scalable wireless ad hoc network simulator). Simulation results show that proposed minimum delay routing protocol (AODV) outperforms existing AODV in terms of packet delivery rate, throughput, and delay.
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Title : Improved Power Effectiveness and Manifold Clock Proportion by Means of Numerous Compression Practices Authors : V.KARTHIKEYAN
Abstract : Information firmness is also named as source coding. It is theprocedure of programminginformationby means ofless bits than aprearrangeddepiction, while creationuse of preciseprogrammingsystems. Compression is anexpertise for dipping the amountof informationrecycled to characterize any gratifieddeprived ofunreasonablydipping the superiority of theinformation, which signifies the capability to reconstruct the assumed input informationcord. It also decreases the amount ofmomentsessential to supply and/or communicate the information string. Compression is a method that markspackingcalmer for hugequantity of information. Compatibility can be attained by using firmnessmethods. These systems show a dynamic part in growing the power effectiveness and timer rate. There are many compression systemsexisting which are very much supportive in attaining Compatibility lengthways with attainingdevelopedcompetence. In this paper, HUFFMANand LZWprocedures concert are associated with each other.Then, the finestCompression techniqueamong the two is used in Communication arena before encoding the information to be communicated over the MessageNetwork, while the Decompression can be used subsequently Decryption.
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Title : Fuzzy Image Filtering Technique using for Noise Reduction Authors : Ch.Lakshmi Aparna, P.P S Naik
Abstract : The novel fuzzy filter is presented for the noise reduction of images corrupted with additive noise. The filter consists of two stages. The first stage computes a fuzzy derivative for eight different directions. The second stage uses these fuzzy derivatives to perform fuzzy smoothing by weighting the contributions of neighboring pixel values. Both stages are based on fuzzy rules which make use of membership functions. The filter can be applied iteratively to effectively reduce heavy noise. In particular, the shape of the membership functions is adapted according to the remaining noise level after each iteration, making use of the distribution of the homogeneity in the image statistical model for the noise distribution can be incorporated to relate the homogeneity to the adaptation scheme of the membership functions. Experimental results are obtained to show the feasibility of the proposed approach. These results are also compared to other filters by numerical measures and visual inspection.
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Title : Robustness of Feed forward 2/2 Second-Order Compensators used with Second-Order-Like Processes Authors : Galal A. Hassaan
Abstract : Robustness is one of the requirements used in controllers and compensators design. The objective of this paper is to investigate the robustness of a feedforward 2/2 second-order compensator used to control second-order-like processes against uncertainty in the process parameters.
A variation of ± 20 % in process parameters is considered through simulation to study its effect on the system performance parameters using the tuned compensators. The study shows that this variation in process parameters has a little effect on the parameters of the control system performance. The variation in process damping ratio has no effect on the control system performance. The variation of the process natural frequency affects the performance of the closed-loop control system using this type of compensators. The steady-state error changes in the range 0.007 to 0.0138, the settling time changes in the range 0.127 to 0.35 seconds, the maximum percentage overshoot changes in the range 0 to 1.64 % and the phase margin changes in the range 70 to 81 degrees. Therefore, this type of compensators is completely robust when used with second-order-like processes having bad dynamics.
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Title : A Novel Cloud Data Protection for the Masses Authors : T MOUNIKA, G MANOJ KUMAR
Abstract : Cloud computing technology has emerged to a great extent and people have realized the benefits of it. The commoditization of computing resources has become popular and there are many service providers available. As a new computing model, the cloud computing technology bestows plethora of benefits including the cost effective outsourcing of data. Cloud provides unlimited storage space without the need for capital investment in pay per use fashion. However, the data is stored in cloud servers that are treated as “untrusted”. This is because the cloud servers are accessed through Internet and they are remote in nature. There are many security concerns expressed by cloud users with respect to the protection of data. If every cloud user has to take responsibility of security of his data, it is not an easy job. At the same time if every cloud service provider has different security mechanisms for protecting data, it also implies reinventing the wheel. A common protection service can help masses (cloud users in abundance) to have protection as a service which is part of cloud computing. In this paper we attempt to realize such service which is based on the idea provided by Song et al. We built a prototype application that demonstrates the proof of concept. The empirical results revealed that the data protection as a service can dramatically reduce the pre-application deployment effort required in order to ensure the data of cloud users is protected.
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Title : Control and analysis of breakdowns of overhead transmission lines (6 – 500 кV) in the Middle Volga region Authors : Alexander Yu. Khrennikov, Alexander A. Skladchikov
Abstract : The paper is devoted to the problem of technological breakdowns in the Middle Volga electric power networks. The analyses given in the article help to generalize the obtained data, reveal the extent of breakdowns and estimate the effect of systematic and seasonal factors in reference to electric power network. This provides the possibility of using the achieved results to work out organizational and technical measures to eliminate and prevent the causes for different forms of technological breakdowns with the aim of increasing the operating efficiency of the power network and its operating reliability, and to reduce the number of breakdowns in the electric power networks.
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Abstract : A steady-state solution is obtained for the system is an M/M/2/N queue with catastrophes and restorations. Queuing models have their place in modeling the real life phenomena. In fact their utility gets enhanced when one is not able to get the probability distribution for either the arrival times or for the service times. The service times are assumed to have general service time distribution in the case of computer networks modeling. Recently, the emphasis is put on the catastrophe modeling and its applications in real life situations
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Title : Influence of deployment architecture on performance optimization of PLM systems in auto industry Authors : M.S. Gopinatha, Dr. Vishnukanth S. Chatpalli, Dr. K.S. Sridhar
Abstract : Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) is a software application based business approach to support the collaborative creation, management, dissemination and use of product definition information. PLM applies to product information from concept to end of life—integrating people, processes, and information. PLM technology has become the backbone of product design and development for many of the auto companies across the globe.
System Performance is the “Transaction time as perceived by the end-user - conforming to requirements”. Optimized performance of all the IT components of the PLM system will ensure successful product design and development in auto industry. Optimization will generally focus on improving just one or two aspects of performance: execution time, memory usage, disk space, bandwidth, power consumption or some other resource. This will usually require a trade-off - where one factor is optimized at the expense of others.
A typical PLM system in automobile industry consists of the PLM Application server which hosts the PDM system, CAD system, Digital Simulation system, BOM system etc. Database server stores all metadata of PLM system while the bulk data is stored in the file volume server connected to SAN storage. Web server helps in connecting the PLM Application server with client machines, ERP systems, CRM/SCM systems, legacy systems etc. [Ref. 4 to 7]
An effort is made in this research paper for analysis of the deployment architecture component of the PLM system, which greatly influences the optimization of system performance. [Ref. 6] Present day automotive industry is global, both in terms of customers spread across multiple regions (from mature and emerging markets) and manufacturers and suppliers scattered around the world. Combined with developments in the global network infrastructure it is now possible to consider Global deployment of PLM system based on a few or even only one central site. For many customers this is already a becoming a reality. Global deployment offers saving in administration and closer co-operation but also new challenges.
Centralisation of services relies on the availability of central site. The availability of the site depends on every component of the PLM system deployed. All CAD and other File system items are required to be shared across the all user sites spread across the globe. Actual data is stored at Datacenter SAN storage and is to be shared across remote locations. Network Latency and Bandwidth between site locations play a major role on the overall system performance of the global PLM system.
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Title : Common fixed point theorem using the Property (E.A.) and Implicit Relation in Fuzzy Metric Spaces Authors : Alok Asati , A.D.Singh, Madhuri Asati
Abstract : In this paper we prove a common fixed point theorem in fuzzy metric spaces by extending the use of a common property (E.A.) and implicit relation for four self maps. Our results generalized the results of Kumar S. et al. [20].
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Title : Analytical Model of Cryo-Target in Thermo Vacuum Chamber Authors : Mohammad Hasan, Dinesh Chandra, Aravindakshan P, Dr. N.K. Misra
Abstract : Nitrogen and Helium based Cryo-Target (CT) systems are used for various experimental, industrial and testing applications in high vacuum chambers. Thermal performance of CT systems depends upon a number of factors such as thermal exchange coefficient of coolant, various forms of heat losses, coolant properties, CT plate characteristics, externally applied heat loads etc. Therefore an analytical formulation is necessary in order to quantify the effect of such factors over thermal performance of CT system. In this paper analytical model is developed for flat plate CT system based on the positive root of heat balance quartic equation. Important analytical formulas related to characterization of thermal performance of CT systems are presented. This paper doesn’t consider mixed phase flow in CT.
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Title : Isolation and characterization of organophosphorus degrading bacteria from pesticide industrial effluent Authors : Dipali Parmar, Dr. Ajit Pandya, Preeti singh
Abstract : Development of new industries or expansion of existing industrial establishments resulted in the disposal of industrial effluents which discharge untreated causing air, water, soil and solid waste pollution and adversely affect biological growth. Organophosphorus (Monochrotophos, Dichlorovos, Dimethoate) degrading bacterium was isolated from pesticide industrial effluent samples which collected from Ahmedabad (India) and its surrounding pesticide contaminated area. On the basis of morphological, cultural characteristics, biochemical test and 16s rRNA sequencing, the isolated strain was identified as Pseudomonas stutzeri, Tistrella mobilis and Sphingosinicella microcystinivorans respectively. From this result that the isolated bacteria could be used for the removal of residues of organophosphorus in contaminated area.
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Abstract : Handloom sector occupies a distinct and unique place in Kerala economy. It is the one of the largest employment producer in Kerala after the farm sector. It is providing employment to two million people directly and indirectly. It is estimated that out of this sixty percent are women twelve percent schedule caste and twenty percent scheduled tribes with seventy thousand handlooms in Kerala. Now in Kerala rural economy is facing a problem of rural unemployment, rural inequality and rural poverty. These are the basic problems confronting rural economy are sought be addressed by depending upon the efficiency of rural industries. The only solution for this is co-operative societies. Co-operative societies are implementing strategies of Gandhian model of rural development. They are the pillars of rural economy. Gandhiji saw a great virtue in co-operatives as an instrument of rural development and social reform.
With the introduction of Co-operative credit societies act in 1904 there was spurt in the number of co-operative societies in India. The movement got a fresh blood and impetus after the enactment of co-operative society’s act in 1912. After independence co-operative societies played an important role in poverty removal and faster economic growth. The co-operative planning committee observed that the co-operative societies have a great role to play as a most suitable medium for democratization of economic planning.
After industrialization the weaving activity has undergone technological changes and specially divided into three components. They are handloom, power loom and mill industry. Hand loom is the largest provider of employment, in this sector. It has a strategic position in socio economic fabric of Kerala owing to its mass employability.
In these circumstances it is necessary to study the impact of handloom weaver’s co-operative societies in the life of weaving community, rural development and socio economic impact of rural economy of Kerala. The main function of handloom weaver’s co-operative societies is to promote economic conditions of weavers by providing technical, financial and infrastructural support.
The paper will examine the various challenges faced by Kerala small and medium weavers’ co operatives (SMWCS) and the role of Kerala government in upliftment of this sector. However there are certain distinctions to be made regarding providing protection as the same time not hampering the growth pattern by providing extra shield
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Title : A Web Content Opinion Mining Based Study of Machine Learning Approaches of Sentiment Analysis Authors : Rajnish M. Rakholia, Dr. Jatinderkumar R. Saini
Abstract : Sentiment analysis is a growing interest in the research of natural language processing. Correctly identifying the factor into particular category (positive, negative and neutral) is still presenting challenge because of large and vast amount of features in the dataset. In regards to the existing algorithms, support vector machine, Naïve Bayes and maximum entropy algorithms are potentially good for sentiment analysis classification. This paper presents a literature covering the efficient techniques, methods in sentiment analysis, recent state of work and directions in the field of sentiment analysis and opinion mining.
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Title : A Review on Studies and Research for Biodiesel Production from Various Feed stocks Authors : Sunil Jayant Kulkarni, Ajaygiri Kamalgiri Goswami
Abstract : Biodiesel production by using the cheap feedstock is the challenge faced by researchers. Various feedstocks such as waste animal fats, vegetable oil, waste cooking oil, animal tallow , algae. karanja, jatropa, polanga are being explored. Also processes for biodiesel are being studied with respect to optimization of cost and efficiency. The present review aims at summarizing the research carried out in order to explore the possibility of various feedstocks and technologies. Also the studies related to the impact of biodiesel production on economy are reported.
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Title : Adaptive Bacterial Foraging Optimization Based Restoration and Degradation using chromatic adaptation transforms Authors : Rekha Rani, Pawan Kumar
Abstract : Image restoration is the operation of taking a corrupted/noisy image and estimating the clean original image. The purpose of image restoration is to "compensate for" or "undo" defects which degrade an image. Bacterial Foraging Optimization (BFO) is a recently developed nature-inspired optimization algorithm, which is based on the foraging behavior of E. coli bacteria. The adaptive bacterial foraging optimization ABFO employs the adaptive foraging strategies to improve the performance of the original BFO. This improvement is achieved by enabling the bacterial foraging algorithm to adjust the run-length unit parameter dynamically during algorithm execution in order to balance the exploration/exploitation trade off. This process is carried out up to a certain number of steps, which is limited by the lifetime of the bacteria.
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Abstract : It is the need of hour to get ourselves acquainted with the communication technology, its tools and its trends. Mobile communication is an important technology in this regard and mobile phone has become the most common tool of communication over the recent years. As several innovative improvements regarding mobile communication technologies have been made by developing various multiple-access schemes used for wireless communication (such as TDMA, FDMA, CDMA, WCDMA, EDGE etc.) but a big challenge is to select the right technology for the applications and systematically identify the factors that influence the overall performance. In this paper, we review architecture and functionality of Third generation (3G) mobile technology and compare it with various existing generations of mobile wireless technology vis-à-vis in terms of their portals, performance, advantages and disadvantages. [1]
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Title : Advance Mobile Ad-Hoc Data Communication Network Authors : Ravi Kumar, Ritika Ghai
Abstract : Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANET) is an emerging area of research. Most current work is centered on routing issues. This paper discusses the issues associated with data communication with MANET database systems. While data push and data pull methods have been previously addressed in mobile networks, the proposed methods do not handle the unique requirements associated with MANET. Unlike traditional mobile networks, all nodes within the MANET are mobile and battery powered. Existing wireless algorithms and protocols are insufficient primarily because they do not consider the mobility and power requirements of both clients and servers. This paper will present some of the critical tasks facing this research.
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Abstract : A high jump can be divided into three parts the run-up phase, the take off phase and the flight or bar clearance phase. The importance of the run-up is to set the appropriate conditions for the beginning of the take off phase. during the take off phase, the athlete exerts forces that determine the maximum height that the centre of mass will teach after leaving the ground and the angular momentum (also called “rotary momentum”) that the body will have during the bar clearance.
In a fosbury flop the rotation consists of a “twist” (a rotation around the longitudinal axis of the body) which turns the back of the athlete toward the bar, and a “somersault” (a rotation around a transverse axis) which makes the shoulders go down and the knees go up (Dapena, 1988). The combination of these two motions produces a twisting somersault to rotation which leads to a face up layout position at the peak of the jump. Combined with arched configuration of the body, this position allows the athlete to clear a bar set at a height that is near the maximum height reached by the centre of mass (Dapena 1980a.1980b).
Somersault rotation can be broken down in to two parts a forward somersaulting component and a lateral somersaulting component. During the takeoff phase the athlete produces angular momentum about a horizontal axis perpendicular to the final direction of the run-up. This is called the forward somersaulting angular momentum. In the last step of the run-up the high jumper thrusts the hips forward and this makes the trunk have a backward lean at the start of the takeoff phase (i.e. at touchdown the instant when the takeoff foot lands on the ground). Then the trunk rotates forward during the takeoff phase and is vertical at the instant that the foot leaves the ground.
The curved run-up used in the fosbury flop style of high jumping makes the athlete lean toward the centre of the curve. This helps the jumper to lower the centre of mass in the last steps of the run-up. It also allows the athlete to rotate during the take off phase from an initial position in which the body is tilted toward the centre of the curve to a final position in which the body is essentially vertical. Therefore it allows the athlete to generate rotation (lateral somersaulting angular momentum) without having to lean excessively toward the bar at the end of the takeoff. Therefore the purpose of this study was to analyze the trunk lean during the takeoff phase of elite Indian male athletes during their competitive performance.
The take off phase is defined as the period of time between the instant when the take off foot first touches the ground (touchdown) and the instant when it loses contact with the ground (take off).
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Title : Human Capital Development as a Tool for Sustainable Peace in Nigeria Authors : Ibrahim Inuwa Balarabe
Abstract : In any economy, human capital development is necessary for attaining sustainable peace and development. Investment in human capital generates employment opportunity as it improves skills, capabilities and competencies of the worker and eradicates poverty. It also generates income leading to the improvement of living conditions. In order to investigate the link between human capital development and sustainable peace in the country, the paper reviews some existing materials. One of the findings of this paper is that human capital investment enhances the skills, knowledge, productivity and creativity of human stock through a process of human capital formation. It therefore concludes that government should improve investment in education and training of individuals so as to achieve peace and development in the society.
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Title : Enhancement of Small Signal Stability Using optimized TCSC Authors : K.Sandeep, S.Ravindra
Abstract : This paper investigates the impact of Thyristor Controlled Series Compensator (TCSC) to enhance power system stability. The design problem of TCSC controller parameters is formulated as optimization problem, and then particle swarm optimization (PSO) technique was used to search for optimal parameters. The proposed controller and technique are employed on test system under different cases and location of TCSC. To validate the effectiveness of the TCSC on enhancing system stability, eigenvalues analysis and a nonlinear time-domain simulation implemented on SMIB equipped with TCSC. The simulation results show the effectiveness and robustness of proposed controller to enhance system stability by damping oscillations of different disturbances.
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Title : Assessment of workability and spilt tensile strength of hybrid fiber reinforced concrete in comparison with controlled concrete Authors : S. H. Rajebhosale, M. R. Wakchaure, M. B. Satpute, S. B. Kandekar.
Abstract : Plain concrete is a brittle material. Under impact and dynamic loading plain concrete exhibits extensive cracking and undergoes brittle failure. The concrete is weak in tension and hence to overcome this problem cement concrete is reinforced using hybrid fibres and thus called as hybrid fibre reinforced concrete (HFRC) In this modern age, civil engineering constructions have their own structural and durability requirements. Every structure has its own intended purpose and hence to meet this purpose, modification in traditional cement concrete has become mandatory. Workability and split tensile strength crimped steel fibre and alkali resistant glass fibre as a hybrid fibre used interval of 0.25 % up to 2% used in M30 mix and results are compared with normal concrete.
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Title : Use of Ash of Agricultural Waste as Partial Replacement of Cement in Concrete (Rice Husk Ash, Saw Dust Ash, Wheat Straw Ash) Authors : Samant Thakur, Sanjay Saraswat, Devansh Jain
Abstract : Recent trend of technology is towards waste utilization and cost reduction in construction industries. In today’s construction industry concrete is major and versatile building material and in concrete, cement is the most expensive material and to reduce its cost Agricultural waste is introduced in concrete. Rice Husk Ash (RHA), Wheat Straw Ash (WSA) and Saw Dust Ash (Ash) is introduced as a partial replacement of concrete. Rice Husk Ash (RHA), Wheat Straw Ash (WSA) and Saw Dust Ash (Ash) is replaced by cement upto 30% in concrete and their comparative is study is done on basis of their compressive strength and workability.
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Title : Custom Hardware Synthesis from UML Authors : Michael Dossis
Abstract : The proliferation of extremely complex digital embedded and large computing systems have made the need for Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tools to accelerate their development and achieve higher overall productivity. Due to functional bugs that are found later in the design flow, as well as the iterative nature of such design methodologies, which delay a lot the development of their targeted products, industry and academia needs to invest to formal synthesis transformation techniques from high level specification formats such as UML. In this work high level and formal synthesis tools have been developed and integrated with electronic system level specification (ESL) techniques to automatically generate custom hardware circuits from UML. Because the transformations are formal the functional correctness of the generated implementations is guaranteed with respect to their UML specification. The proposed tools and methodology are proven usable with a number of real-world applications and benchmarks that are executed and synthesized into hardware implementations with the formal synthesis framework.
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Title : 5G Technology-Next major phase of mobile telecommunication Authors : Hitesh Kumar, Charul Thareja, Sushma
Abstract : Nowadays the mobile is changing our lifestyle in term of the way we work and learn. In this paper we discuss and review various accessible generations of mobile wireless technology in terms of their performance. The paper throws light on the evolution and progress of various generations of mobile wireless technology with their advantages of one over the other. In the past few years, mobile wireless technologies have experience 4 or 5 generations of technology namely from 0G to 4G. In this mobile wireless technology the current research concentrates on advance implementation of 4G and 5G technology. But the currently 5G term is not officially used. In 5G researches are being made on development of World Wide Wireless Web (WWWW), Dynamic Adhoc Wireless Networks (DAWN) and Real Wireless World.
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Title : Tracking of aircraft Authors : Hitesh Kumar, Charul Thareja, Sushma Sharma
Abstract : The main aim of this paper is to provide an overview on tracking of aircraft. This paper focus on tracking of aircraft using radar and new technology better than radar and this paper also throws light on ADS-B which is a new technology used for tracking of aircraft along with its advantages and applications.
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Abstract : Environmentally friendly solutions are becoming more prominent than ever as a result of concern regarding the state of our deteriorating planet. This project presents a new system configuration of the front-end rectifier stage for a hybrid wind/photovoltaic energy system. This configuration allows the two sources to supply the load separately or simultaneously depending on the availability of the energy sources. The inherent nature of this Cuk-SEPIC fused converter, additional input filters are not necessary to filter out high frequency harmonics. Harmonic content is detrimental for the generator lifespan, heating issues, and efficiency. The structure proposed is a fusion of the buck and buck-boost converter. The systems in literature require passive input filters to remove the high frequency current harmonics injected into wind turbine generators. The harmonic content in the generator current decreases its lifespan and increases the power loss due to heating .In this project, an alternative multi-input rectifier structure is proposed for hybrid wind/solar energy systems. The proposed design is a fusion of the Cuk and SEPIC converters, modeling and analysis with the maximum power point tracking algorithm.
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Abstract : The commercial development of biofungicides received a significant boost in recent years, primarily because of impressive progress in the isolation and characterization of novel strains of microorganisms that can fulfill the mam characteristics of a biofungicide, which are the consistent suppression of pathogens under field conditions, and easy mass production in standard fermentation facilities. To develop biocontrol agents (BCAs) as commercial biofungicides, an extensive identification is essential. Therefore, biological, biochemical and molecular technique were conducted with the aim of identification of promising isolates for development as biological control agents as biofungicides. In recent years, biocontrol agents Pseudomonas fluorescence , P. putida, Paenibacillus polymyxa, Bacillus brevis, Streptomyces sp., Tilletiopsis pallescens, Rhodotorula glutinis, Verticillium lecanii and Penicillium oxalicum have been isolated from various parts of plants and used successfully as biological control agents against numerous foliar plant pathogens. Isolates were characterized by production of secondary metabolites, include enzymes, peptides and siderophore. We found that me¬tabolites secreted by BCAs isolates had an inhibitory growth effect on target pathogens, suggesting that these metabolites play a role in suppression of plant pathogens. Molecular genetic markers have been developed to discriminate these biocontrol agents from others and to identify specific applied isolates by the use of different PCR-based methods. SDS electropherograms obtained in the present study reveled substantial differences between the investigated strains, proving that SDS-PAGE of total protein is a reliable technique applicable for discriminating different genotypes . The results of RAPD analysis obtained in the present study showed a considerable amount of genetic variation present in the nine strains investigated, although individual primers differed in the amount of variation they detected. More importantly, the level of polymorphism detected by using RAPDS will provide microbiologists with environment independent DNA marker, which should be regarded as essential tools for selection.
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Title : Analysis of the LET Performance of Centers of Excellence and Centers of Development for Teacher Education: Implications to Policy, Practice and Research Authors : Maria Agnes P. Ladia, Ed.D.
Abstract : This study analyzed the performance of the COEs and CODs in the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) from 2010 to 2012. The sample in the LET-elementary level consisted of 23,066 examinees while that in the LET-secondary level comprised 26,432 takers. Data on the LET performance were obtained from the Professional Regulation Commission. Findings showed that 71 percent of the first-timers passed the LET-elementary while only 23 percent of the repeaters passed; the overall passing percentage was 47 percent and 18 institutions had lower than 50 percent overall passing percentage. In the LET-secondary, 78 percent of the first-timers and 22 percent of the repeaters passed; the overall passing percentage was 53 percent and 15 institutions obtained lower than 50 percent overall passing percentage. On the whole, the COEs/CODs performed better than the other teacher education institutions in the country. Results also revealed that COEs, private HEIs, first-timers and COEs/CODs in Luzon had significantly better performance than the CODs, SUCs, repeaters and COEs/CODs in Visayas and Mindanao, respectively. Moreover, the poor performance of the repeaters pulled down the COEs/CODs’ overall passing percentage. Implications of the results to TSU-College of Education s goal to become a COE, as well as to policy, practice and research are discussed.
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Title : Forecasting Red Tides Using a Novel Multi-Metric Adaptive Routing Algorithm in Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks Authors : K.Seena Naik, Dr. Ramachandra, M.V.Brahmananda Reddy
Abstract : The red tide phenomenon has resulted in millions of whelk, fish and oyster deaths in ocean water. Current approaches to monitor red tides include satellite imagery, onboard monitoring and monitoring using buoys. These approaches capture surface information at the expense of huge cost. A cost-effective alternative to monitor red tides is deploying terrestrial-underwater Wireless Sensor Networks
to monitor and forecast red tides. A novel multi-metric adaptive routing algorithm is implemented.
Multiple metrics such as packet age, depth of the sensor node, average energy level of the network, number of hops to the base node are considered. Depending on the value of the calculated metrics; an almost ring routing technique, centralized routing technique, or distributed routing technique is deployed. The metrics are reestimated after the data is sent. Once the data reaches the base node, a comparison is made with dynamic threshold values for the contributing factors and, accordingly, a decision is made and a red tide warning is issued, if needed.
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Title : ASCENT: Adaptive Self-Configuring Sensor Networks Topologies Authors : K.Seena Naik, Dr. Ramachandra, M.V.Brahmananda Reddy
Abstract : The availability of micro-sensors and low-power wireless communications will enable the deployment of densely distributed sensor/actuator networks for a wide range of environmental monitoring applications from urban to wilderness environments; indoors and outdoors; and encompassing a variety of data types including acoustic, image, and various chemical and physical properties [24]. The sensor nodes will perform significant signal processing, computation, and network self-configuration to achieve scalable, robust and long-lived networks [1, 7, 8]. More specifically, sensor nodes will do local processing to reduce communications, and consequently, energy costs.
These requirements pose interesting challenges for networking research. One of the challenges arises from the greatly increased level of dynamics. The large number of nodes will introduce increased levels of system dynamics, which in combination with the high level of environmental dynamics will make designing reliable systems a daunting task. Perhaps the most important technical challenge arises from the energy constraints imposed by unattended systems. These systems must be long-lived and operate without manual intervention, which implies that the system itself must execute the measurement and adaptive configuration in an energy constrained fashion. Finally, there are scaling challenges associated with the large numbers of nodes that will co-exist in such networks to achieve desired spatial coverage and robustness.
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