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Title : Corrosive and aggressive phenomena associated to wastewater sanitation Authors :
Abstract : The origin of corrosive and aggressive phenomena acting in wastewaters are electrochemical actions, chemical processes and microbial sources usually preceded by the two first ones. The biofilms (composed by microorganisms and inorganic compounds) developed in the collectors and other elements of sanitation has also an important contribution. The combination of all these dynamics provokes premature degradation of all the materials in the entire sewer system. The starting agents of above situations are located in either wastewater, in solids contained by this one and in the atmosphere in contact with wastewater, solids and materials of the system infrastructures. Negative action of corrosive and aggressive phenomena with respect to networks and support systems as well as their own sewage treatment plants, causes annual losses of more than 30,000 million euro/year in Spain, as well as non-economic costs social, health and environmental. The mechanisms to minimize the negative impacts of corrosion and aggression in sanitation systems and urban wastewater treatment undergo several complementary ways: efficient implementation of control industrial discharges adapt them to the provisions of the normative about the item; election of the most suitable materials for each facility prioritizing not only the economic aspect; use of paints and coatings materials that are appropriate to each particular material depending on the practical use of it; implementation of cathode protection systems; finally, establishment in each case of contrasted and effective routine of maintenance of sanitation equipment and facilities.
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Title : A Ground Fault Location Method Using High-Frequency Transient voltages on Transmission System Authors : Mr. Murli, Mr. Deepak Salian, Mr. Naveen B M, Mr. Ganesh Shetty
Abstract : Electric power systems have grown rapidly over the past fifty years. This has resulted in a large increase of the number of lines in operation and their total length. These lines experiences faults which are caused by storms, lightning, snow, freezing rain, insulation breakdown and, short circuits caused by birds and other external objects. In most cases, electrical faults manifest in mechanical damage, which must be repaired before returning the line to service. The restoration can be expedited if the location of the fault is either known or can be estimated with reasonable accuracy. As to overcome these problems this paper presents a new fault location method using high-frequency transient voltages generated by ground faults on transmission system. The method is based on the measurement from one end of the transmission line. The fault location is determined solely from the arrival time of initial waves of modal voltages at the measuring bus. The method does not need to exploit the reflected waves. The method is tested quantitatively using the Matlab 7.5 / Simulink, M-scripting for typical ground faults on a model of transmission line. The statistical results are given to demonstrate the performance of the proposed method.
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Title : Secure the Secret Data’s by Double Encryption using Image Processing and VLSI Technology Authors : R.Vinoth, M.Balaji, S.Shobana, D.Vinoth, R.Nivethitha
Abstract : Transmission of confidential data over the communication channel have emphasized the need for fast and secure digital communication networks to achieve the requirements for secrecy, integrity and non reproduction of exchanged information. This project combines the steganography and cryptography to protect the information. Least significant method is used to hide the information. The symmetric key algorithm of AES used to encrypt the image. The encrypted image has been implemented in FPGA.
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Title : Modern Solar Tracking system with additional production of energy using Thermo electric generator Authors : Anitha.R, Sathish Kumar.P, Komalachitra.S
Abstract : This project deals with a LDR based solar panel tracking system with thermo electric generator. Solar tracking enables more energy to be generated because the solar panel is always able to maintain a perpendicular profile to the sun�s rays. Thermoelectric generators are devices which convert heat (temperature differences) directly into electrical energy, using a phenomenon called the"thermoelectric effect". This will tend to maximize the amount of power absorbed by PV systems. It has been estimated that the use of a tracking system, over a fixed system, can increase the power output by 50% - 60%.
The collected power will be converted to be suitable for the load attached to it. The information will be displayed through LCD monitor.
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Title : Profitability of supplying wood chips dried at small or medium scale heating plants Authors : Jyrki Raitila, Veli-Pekka Heiskanen
Abstract : Moisture is the most important quality factor of fuel wood. It affects both the profitability of supplying wood chips and the economy of running a heating plant. Most fuel wood is seasoned outdoors, so drying depends on the weather and the desired moisture level of wood cannot always be reached. To avoid weather dependency, wood chips can easily be dried in driers connected to a heating plant. Most of the year small-and medium-sized heating plants have significant excess heating capacity that could be used to dry fuel wood. The investment and running costs of a dryer determine how feasible such a drying method is as part of the wood fuel supply chain. The profitability of drying increases considerably if the heating enterprise can increase its sales because of a higher boiler output. Thus, warm air drying of fuel wood can quite easily be made profitable if there is a potential to enlarge the heat clientele.
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Abstract : India is having high growth of population,with this the need of housing activity is fast growing. Though traditional construction procedures are being followed it is creating lot of environmental degradation . Of late there has been much awareness in building construction about using green technology.
IGBC (Indian Green Building Council) has been promoting the construction of green buildings. Affordable & Sustainable construction is now the need of the hour. Various codes like ECBC, GRIHA by TERI( The Energy Research Institute) , LEEDS(INDIA) (Leadership in Energy Efficiency Design) by IGBC etc. have been formulated for getting certification for green building in the entire nation.
There are huge variations in climate, construction methods & materials across the whole country and the strategies & approaches for making the eco-homes affordable & sustainable differ from place to place.
In this context the paper accesses few simple approaches & strategies suitable for hot & dry climate zone of Rajasthan ,India which can be easily adopted for making affordable, sustainable Eco-homes.
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Title : Bound Analysis of Proposed MALN with Alpha Network Authors : AMARDEEP GUPTA
Abstract : The network is assumed to be faulty if any source destination pair cannot be connected because of the presence of faulty components in the network. In this paper reliability of the proposed Multistage Interconnection Network MALN (Modified Alpha Network) has been evaluated and compared with existing Alpha Network.
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Abstract : This project presents the groundwork for a novel concept of sensor less direct speed control in BLDC motor drives. Unlike the conventional senseless speed controls consider the motor back emf and motor current. Thus feedback mechanism is minimized. Speed regulation is achieved by controlling rotational speed of stator flux linkage. The fuzzy logic control strategy has been implemented for the inverter control. This entire control concept has been implemented using SIMULINK model. The proposed control scheme will effectively reduces the torque ripple in a brushless dc motor and provides better control over the motor performance. The PI regulator is replaced with a simple comparator. The brushless dc motor is excited based on the inverter feedback. This proposal is applicable to both two-phase and three-phase conduction modes of the a brushless dc motor. In this project, principles of the proposed sensorless strategy and speed ripple calculation are described in details. The validity of this claim is verified through the simulation results.
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Title : Toyota Production System in a batch type production plant as a Pilot study Authors : G.J.Naveen, Ramesh.S.Rao, R.Rengarajan, Paniraj Shanbhog
Abstract : Today’s challenge for business operations and management lies in providing customers with products of excellent quality cost and delivery (QCD) performance in the pursuit of customer satisfaction (CS) and staying ahead of competitors through market creation activities. Manufacturing companies; in particular, are required to grasp customer needs and provide products responsibly to the market through global production without falling behind their competitors. Therefore, new strategic management technologies that drive a company to lead the competition have become increasingly essential on a global scale. Major manufacturing companies are facing the strong need to innovate their businesses for global production. Depending on the situation in each country; including product specifications, production volume and market conditions, manufacturing may be fully automated or require manual labor. If so, the success of global production is highly dependent upon the quality of workers; indicating the necessity of work innovations. In case of automobile parts manufacturing, safety is considered specifically important. Taking shortcuts, doing shoddy work or in the extreme case, putting a faulty product on a vehicle in the market amounts for an adverse effect, and can have devastating consequences for a company; in the long run. Many people assume that Japanese management practices; the Toyota Production System, have been whole-heartedly implemented by American automakers for more than two decades [1]. However, the recent financial and operational crisis faced by American automakers indicate that a performance gap still exists between their production processes and those used by their Japanese counterparts. Considering many such issues a prime motto was to study and try to enhance the existing scenario by continuous improvement.
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Title : Synthesis Characterization and Application of Sn (IV) Phosphorous Acid in the Nano form Authors : Chithra P G, Vijayalekshmi V
Abstract : We report on synthesis of Sn (IV) Phosphorous acid nanoparticle by chemical capping synthesis. The characteristics of the obtained nanoparticle was studied using XRD, UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy, and SEM. The average diameter of the prepared nanoparticle was 25 nm. Antibacterial materials are widely used in everyday life and plays important roles in the public health system. In this paper, we aim to provide a study on the antibacterial and antifungal applications of the prepared nanomaterial
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Title : Broadband Reconfigurable Optical Add-Drop MUX Using Opto-VLSI Processor Authors : I.Ravi Kumar, N.Bala Saraswathi
Abstract : In this paper, an Opto-VLSI based reconfigurable optical add/drop mux (ROADM) structure using two arrayed waveguide grating demux (AWGs) and a custom-made fiber array is described. The fiber array consist of N pairs of lower and upper fibers, where each pair functions as an add, a drop or a thru multiplexers depending on the hologram generated by the Opto-VLSI processor. Experimental results show that for a wide range of wavelength from 1524 nm to 1576 nm the proposed ROADM structure has an average insertion loss of 5.5 dB for all the functions and a uniformity of 0.3 dB. A low drop/thru crosstalk levels of around -40 dB is also depicted.
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Title : Water saving practices in rice-based cropping systems in Indian Scenario as a Research Authors : Tirjyak Kumar Das, Bibhu Santosh Behera, L.M.Garnayak
Abstract : Water is a Precious source of Life. Now days Conservation of Agriculture follows the Water Saving Practices. As Rice is a Hydrophytes plant, it requires water. But now a day’s SRI Method of Paddy Cultivation helps to conserve water. Here the Researchers Prove the illustration of Water Saving Practices in Rice-Based Cropping System as India is the origin of Rice and follows the Agrarian Policy hence be justified.
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Abstract : Designing a secret key algorithm needs high level security against all kinds of unauthorized attacks like active and passive attacks. An Algorithm is considered computationally secure if it cannot be broken with standard resources, either current or future. This paper has introduced a new block cipher algorithm named Enhanced Multiple Operator Delimiter Based Data Encryption Standard along with LSB steganography. Enhanced Multiple Operator Delimiter Based Data Encryption Standard is one of the best performing partial symmetric key algorithm among the data algorithms like DES, Triple-DES, AES (Rijndael). The algorithm is specially designed to produce different cipher texts by applying same key on same plain text.
Apart from cryptography, stegonagraphy is the additional method leading to better security of messages which goes hand by hand with cryptography, that’s why revel of such a message not easy. This paper introduces an LSB steganography along with the encryption methodology which will play a significant role in the world of symmetric key cryptographic algorithm. The security is ensured by encryption and steganography.
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Title : Corporate Governance, Dividend Policy and Performance: Special Reference Listed Banking Institution in Sri Lanka Authors : Tharmila,K
Abstract : This study explores the relationship between corporate governance, dividend policy and performance of listed banking institution in Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE). Corporate governance measured through Board independence, Board size, Board Meeting and CEO duality, Dividend policy was measured by Dividend yield and the Performance was measured by Return on Assets and growth. The Sample of this study composed of six (06) listed banking institutes in the CSE and the period of five (05) years from 2008 to 2012. The required data and information for the study were gathered from published annual reports, fact book, journals and website of listed banking institutions in CSE from 2008 to 2012. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for this purpose. These studies find that dividend yield as the dividend policy indicator is significant and positively correlated to growth and CEO duality and negative to board independence. Return on assets (ROA) as performance indicator is positively correlated to board size and is significant. Outcomes of the study would be beneficial to the practitioners, investors, academicians, policy makers and others.
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Title : Cement Logistics in India with urban freight distribution Authors : Sanjay Singh, Dr. Alka Singh
Abstract : As cement market competition becomes more and more intensive gradually, logistics management will also become more and more important, even can be able to determine whether the company succeeds or fails in their future development. Therefore, cement industry must pay enough attention to do well in logistics work. In this way the corporate will own larger space to develop and compete in market economy. (CMA, Cement Manufacturing Association)
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Title : Comparative Analysis of Feature Selection Algorithms for Medical Diagnosis Authors : N.S.Nithya, Dr.K.Duraiswamy
Abstract : Health care data contain large volume of valuable information for diagnosing diseases. The major challenge of the health care system is to extract useful patterns from these mass medical diagnosis data. In data mining technique, the feature selection method is used to extract relevant features in the original data set which contains noisy and irrelevant data. During the selection process, a decision criterion is used to remove irrelevant or redundant features. Elimination of irrelevant feature increases the prediction accuracy of classifying medical data and also decreases the computational time. To increase the performance and improve the design of classification algorithms, analyze the strength and weakness of the feature selection approaches are very essential. In this paper, the performance of the three filter based feature selection methods information gain, gain ratio and correlation have been analyzed. The selective feature selection methods are compared based on the classification accuracy for a given data set.
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Title : Image Segmentation Engineering: Various Techniques and related Issues Authors : Nitin Shah, Jigyasa Soni
Abstract : Due to the introduction of computer technology image-processing techniques have become increasingly significant in a wide variety of applications. Image segmentation is a classic matter in the field of image processing and also is a hotspot and emphasis of image processing techniques. With the improvement of computer processing competences and the increased application of color image, the color image segmentation are more and more concerned by the researchers. Several general-purpose algorithms and techniques have been developed for image segmentation. Since there is no general solution to the image segmentation problem, these techniques often have to be combined with domain knowledge in order to effectively solve an image segmentation problem for a problem domain. This paper presents a comparative study of the basic image segmentation techniques i.e., Edge- Based, K-Means Clustering, Thresholding and Region-Based techniques.
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Abstract : Quality Value Stream Mapping (QVSM) has successfully been used as a lean tool in manufacturing processes. Applying this tool in other areas is an interesting issue for organizations and might involve particular considerations and adaptation. In this research work the effect of the shift from the traditional style of manufacturing production system to the application of modern techniques of lean in one of the manufacturing industries to improve the flow of production system and demand processing by reducing line intersections with optimal usage of available facilities. Quality value stream mapping, (QVSM) have been used to represent the production flow line. Therefore; two quality value stream mapping have been drawn, one to represent the current status of the production flow line and the other to represent the modified-status after eliminating most of the identified wastes. ARENA software has used to develop the simulation models, with applying pull system of lean tools for the modified status instead of the push system that has used in the traditional style of production. Thus, numbers of add values (AV) have been obtained over several periods of run-time for the designed simulation models. Then a future state map is drawn to show how things should work for best competitive advantage. Quality Value Stream Mapping helps to identify the current flow of material and information in processes for a family of products, highlighting the opportunities for improvement that will most significantly impact the overall manufacturing production system of company.
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Title : A Proposed method of Edge Detection from Impressions of footwear found in crime scenes Authors : Prof. Samir Kumar Bandyopadhyay, Ms. Nabanita Basu
Abstract : It is time consuming for analyzing wide variety of footwear impression because of different types of footwear outsole designs. The forensic footwear experts faced two types of problems -(1) to determine the source of an impression given a known set of outsole prints where there are no known prints to match, and (2) to determine whether a particular impression evidence is from a known suspects shoe with similarity and uncertainty. This paper proposed the work for edge analysis of impression from footwear. Successful, high quality crime scene investigation is a simple, methodical process. It is not rigid; it follows a set of principles and procedures that are reasonable and ensure that all physical evidence is discovered and investigated with the result that justice is served. The basic crime scene procedures are physical evidence recognition, documentation, proper collection, packaging, preservation, and, finally, scene reconstruction. Every crime scene is unique and, with experience, a crime scene investigator will be able to use this logical and systematic approach to investigate even the most challenging crime scenes to a successful conclusion.
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Title : Encounters Data Processing System: path to effective healthcare domain Authors : Hicham Amine, Abdelouahab Mesnaoui, safaa el khaddam
Abstract : Technology is becoming a key to success in all industries to better assure effectiveness and quality work. The purpose of this document is to sensitize the importance of Encounter Data Processing System (EDPS) in the process of encounters submission in the healthcare domain especially with this advancement of technology. This article shows the move from Risk Adjustment Processing System (RAPS) to Encounter Data Processing System (EDPS) in order to process encounters and claims in a very efficient way by passing all the errors that might result to system issues. With this new move, the System tracks claim lifecycle information from receipt of the original claim through the submission of the outbound 837 encounter and beyond. All historical and audit information associated with the claim is recorded and viewable from within TM, and via a user interface into the Claims Management Repository accessible from TM meaning that The System allows users to search and view received claims that are accepted for processing by the Submitted Claim ID and its corresponding Internal Claim ID. To protect personal healthcare information and ensure secure access, user authentication and data encryption are needed to provide secure transactions and involve some relevant security technologies, it is very important to implement this change as soon as possible.
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Title : Two Line Resolution of apodised optical system with circular apertures in the presence of Primary Spherical aberration, Defocusing and Coma Authors : T.Kiran Kumar, A.Narsaih, D. Karuna Sagar
Abstract : Several attempts have been made to obtain the homo-centricity in the direction of minimizing the aberrations by assigning different values to the constructional parameters of the lens systems, resulting in the design of several refined optical systems. Even though a great deal of success was obtained in two line resolution of optical system, in certain regions the simple geometrical treatment of the aperture found to be inadequate. So applying the primary spherical aberration, coma and defocus aberration to the optical system In particular, it was observed that deviations from this treatment must be expected in the immediate neighborhood of the boundaries i.e., shading of the apertures in the regions where a large number of rays meet
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Title : IMPLEMENTATION OF ADVANCED ENERGY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Authors : Rathika Kannan, Dr. P. Radika, S.Joshibha Ponmalar, S.Kavitha
Abstract : This paper is concerned with the design of an advanced energy management system which involves automatic billing of energy consumption, automatic detection of energy theft in the system, termination of connection if the consumer fails to pay the electricity bill and re-connecting the connection with the consumer terminal when needed. The purpose of this project is to simplify the existing electricity billing
process by implementing automatic billing system using a Zigbee network, detection of electricity theft in the system with the help of current sensors and to employ wireless termination and activation of the electricity connection using electromagnetic relays.
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Title : Crystallization study of iron nanoparticles using molecular dynamics simulation Authors : Pham Huu Kien, Nguyen Thi Thu Ha
Abstract : The growth and nucleation of iron nanoparticles in amorphous solid have been investigated by molecular dynamics method. It was found that when the sample is heated at 921 K and relaxed over long time, the sample is crystallized into bcc crystal structure. The first nuclei formed most frequently in the area nearby to the surface of the nanoparticle. Then the crystal cluster grows in the direction to the center of nanoparticle. The final crystallized sample has two parts: the core with bcc crystal structure and surface with amorphous structure. When the sample was relaxed at 310 or 550 K we observe a small cluster with size less than 50 atoms. However, this cluster does not grow to larger size. The observed crystallization agrees with the classical theory of nucleation.
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Title : Modeling of Critical Stand-still Time of Poured Mould in Vertically Parted Automatic Flaskless Green Sand Casting Process Authors : Raghwendra Banchhor, S.K.Ganguly
Abstract : In the automatic flaskless green sand casting process the critical stand-still time of poured mould is important parameter for better transportability of poured over conveyors. Critical stand-still time of the mould string is the maximum time that the poured string of moulds can be left on the automatic mould conveyor without causing transport troubles.
In present work an attempt has been made to predict critical stand-still time using multiple linear regression analysis. The parameter sand metal ratio, pattern plate utilization factor, margins of casting cavity from the edges of the mould and pouring temperature of metal are taken as input and critical stand-still time of poured mould as output. The proposed model can be employed to generate a database of minimum gaps for various combinations of part geometry, pattern plate layout and metal to predict the critical stand-still time.
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Title : Image Fusion Technique - A Review Authors : Chetan Dhanraj Zope, Prof. Arun E. Kachare
Abstract : Image fusion is one of important image processing technologies. The main aim of image fusion is to create new images that are more suitable for the purposes of human/machine perception and for further image-processing tasks such as segmentation, object detection or target recognition in applications like medical imaging and remote sensing. In this paper, we have presented the basic principles of image fusion at the level of pixel, feature and decision. We have reviewed the design techniques of laplacian pyramid image fusion and wavelet based image fusion. Literature survey of these image fusion techniques is presented. The working of these image fusion techniques is then presented. The system has many functions: image denoising, image enhancement, image registration, image segmentation, image fusion and fusion evaluation.
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Title : The Common Process of Industrial Waste Water Treatment Authors : Fereshteh Bashiri
Abstract : Waste water generated by many different types of industries that have specific process with specific characteristic. Managing program with advanced and acceptable treatment can be useful to control the pollution of industrial wastewater. Reaching the acceptable sewage that can discharge in the environment is desired by all industries which are responsible about the protection of the world. Definition some characteristic about the common pollutant in industrial wastewater and try to introduce some methods to remove them is the goal of this paper.
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Title : Intelligent Traffic Controller for Network Authors : Ayyappan.B, Umadevi.D, Tamizharasi.P
Abstract : In recent years the purpose of using internet increases enormously most specifically for communication field. Due to usage of internet increase traffic also increase. If the traffic increases the respond from the server gets delay. For this many algorithm has been implemented to reduce the traffic although these algorithm has their own shortcomings. This paper proposes to use fuzzy logic to reduce the traffic in the router. This logic calculates only the queue size of the router unlike other algorithm which calculates network parameter. The calculated queue size is used to calculate the allowed sending rate. Using this technology we reduce the memory used for calculating network parameter in other methods, due to less of memory used for calculating sending rate, the router becomes more efficient. This logic provides better performance thus it assures the Quality of Service. We can measure the efficiency of this proposed model using fuzzy logic controller.
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Abstract : This paper presents performance comparisons of linear PID controller and non-linear fuzzy logic controller in flyback converter with voltage mode control. The comparisons are conducted through simulation on the 170V/160W, 50 Hz flyback converter with 41V output voltage. The controller is used to change the duty cycle of the switch (MOSFET) in the converter. Based on the analyzing effects of the flyback converter circuit a non-linear fuzzy logic controller is able to achieve faster response, more robust under different operating conditions and its output performance is more accurate than the linear PID controller with aspects to the transient analysis and dynamic condition performances. MATLAB/SIMULINK is used for implementation and simulation results show the performance improvement.
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Title : The Impact of Exchange Rate Regime on Economic Growth in Developing Countries (1980-2012) Authors : BADRAOUI Chahinez, DJEBBOURI Mohamed, BENBOUZIANE Mohamed
Abstract : The aim objective of this research is to test the impact of exchange rate regime on economic growth in a sample of 18 less development countries during the period from 1980 to 2012,to achieve that we will used econometrics to extress the variable quantified and choosing the most suitable system ( fixed, intermediate or flexible) with economic growth. The model used is a pro to type economic growth equation that relates the growth rate of real per capita GDP to a set of explanatory variables that includes investment to GDP ratio, government consumption to GDP ratio, total gross enrollment ratio for secondary education, index of openness, terms of trade, credit to private sector, index of civil liberties, index of political stability and the dummy variables representing the types of the exchange rate regime using Panel Data about the classification of the systems we will used the realisted common classification (Reinhart and Rogoff 2004, Levy-Yeyati and Sturzenegger 2005). These economic results show the positive relationship between the exchange rate regime and economic growth and give support to the hypothesis that if the developing countries adopt a fixed exchange rate regime, they will attain a higher growth rate than if they adopt a flexible regime or a intermediate regime.
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Title : The impact of the financial integration on the economic growth: the case of the GCC countries (1981-2011) Authors : SENOUCI Bereksi Imane, BOURI Sarah, Mohamed BENBOUZIANE
Abstract : Studies about the relationship between financial integration and economic growth have shown underwhelming results. In one hand, some of the studies have indicated that the liberalisation of the capital account have been positive for the economical growth; and in the other hand, other studies results were not conclusive. The main objective of this work is to examine, theoretically and empirically, the character of the link between financial integration and economic growth by using panel data from 1981-2011 periods. In the following studies, we will primairely focus on gulf countries (Bahrein, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, Saudi Arabia and united arab emirates) which followed the economical liberalisation and financial integration. The results of the assessments show a positive and significant link between the financial integration and the economic growth in these countries under some financial, macroeconomic and institutional conditions.
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Abstract : Consumer behavior is helpful in understanding the purchase behavior and preference of different customers. For a firm or industry to survive in the competitive market they have to be constantly innovating and understand the latest consumer trends and tastes. The aim of the paper is to see how the determinants of consumer behavior influence. From the literature study it is found that cultural, social, personal and psychological are the main determinants in consumer behavior. All the factors are taken into account with the objective to examine which of the factors are more important in determining of fast moving consumer goods. To test the proposed analysis a sample 345 consumers that had carried out their purchase has been analyzed. The results found in the study have shown that personal and psychological have a significant effect. The result provides useful decision making for understanding the consumer behavior.
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Title : The perceived positioning of the Algerian firm’s image: The case of Algerian agro-food industry Authors :
Abstract : Our work aims to determine the positioning perceived of the Algerian company through its perceived image in an environment marked by the competition of foreign enterprises.
To achieve such a goal, we will engage the theoretical input in order to determine a conceptual model. Then, we present the results of an empirical study on the image of the Algerian companies in the agro-food industry which led us to make an inquiry involving a random sample of 182 homes across several regions of the country.
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Title : Microfinance as Panacea to Financial Barriers to Women Entrepreneurship in Nigeria Authors : Nkem Okpa Obaji, Mercy Uche Olugu, Beulah Chikere Obiekwe
Abstract : The role of women entrepreneurs has long been acknowledged as a great contributor to economic development of most countries. Despite this attribute given to them, not much has been reported in terms of research related to how their challenges are addressed. It has been widely written in female entrepreneurship that female entrepreneurs face numerous difficulties (socially and financially) in the course of starting and growing their business. This study focuses on the financial aspect of the problem – access to finance; finding out how the financial challenges are addressed by microfinance. Data collection was purposefully collected from 13 female entrepreneurs within Lagos State of Nigeria using face-to-face interviewing technique. Key results showed that microfinance assistance has been remarkable and as such, majority of them were able to overcome the financial challenges as well as enhanced their self-esteem and improved social status.
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Title : Food strategies of females and males of catfish Schilbe mandibularis (Günther, 1867) in the Bia River (West Africa, Côte d’Ivoire) Authors : DOUMBIA Lassina, BAMBA Yacouba, OUATTARA Allassane, GOURENE Germain
Abstract : The diet of 161 specimens of Schilbe mandibularis distributed between the female sex (95 specimens) and male (66 individuals) in Bia River has been studied during two years of sampling.
The Lauzanne food index allowed characterizing the diet of males and females specimens. Regarding the general diet, both sexes have the same food trend. As for the seasons, the female specimens collected in the dry season behaved differently. Compared to the size of individuals, juveniles and adults had a similar feeding behavior. Relative to the longitudinal gradient that is the valley station of the dam that diet sexes varies.
The general profiles of the two sexes, on the whole, watch that Schilbe mandibularis has an eclectic diet.
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Title : Separating the ‘Imagined’ from the ‘Obvious’: Adopting Museum-specific Product Positioning in Zimbabwe Authors : Tendai Ngwenya, Marlvern Mabgwe
Abstract : The 21st century business environment in Zimbabwe presents enormous management challenges to all manner of businesses. High unemployment rates leading to dwindling disposable income at family levels as well as increased options on how to spend the little extra means museums face the full wrath of the challenges. Whilst its focus is on education and enjoyment surrounding material culture, and are non-profit oriented, Zimbabwean museums find themselves, competing for clients with other recreational facilities. This paper explores the uniqueness of the Zimbabwe Military Museum and examines the possibilities of market positioning as a viable strategy of reversing low visitorship and visibility challenges it faces. Instead of applying a ‘one-size fits all approach’, this museum needs to appeal to the right audience with the right product. Working around the premise that all museums collect, store, document, present and research upon unique material collections in the name of educating and entertaining its clientele, is it irrefutable that museums of the 21st century need to encompass a vision, mission, business leadership and visitor service. These are some of the hallmark characteristics associated with successful profit-oriented organizations. After all, the fate of museums is intertwined together with their visibility, social relevancy and viability.
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Title : Association Rule Generation in Data Streams Using Apriori Algorithms Authors : S.Vijayarani , R.Prasannalakshmi
Abstract : Data mining technology is employed for locating useful and unknown knowledge from the massive databases. Normally, data mining techniques are applied to static databases for knowledge extraction whereas the current data mining techniques are not suitable and it also has some limitations for handling dynamic databases. A data stream handles dynamic data sets and it has become one of the important research domains in data mining. The basic definition of data stream is arrival of continuous, ordered and large quantity of data. In order to perform data analysis, finding the relationships between the data and extracting knowledge from the data stream is very difficult because the existing data mining techniques are not adequate. Hence, this situation has raised concerns about the development of new algorithms and techniques for handling data streams. Important data mining tasks performed in data streams are clustering, classification, generation of association rules and frequent item mining. Association rule mining is one of the popular research problems in data stream which helps to find out interesting relations between the data items in the transactional databases. This research work mainly focused on how the traditional algorithms are used for generating association rules in data streams. The algorithms used in this work are APRIORI, APRIORI PT and APRIORI MR. The performance measures used for finding the best algorithm is execution time and number of rules generated. From the experimental results it is observed that APRIORI MR algorithm’s efficiency is better than APRIORI and APRIORI PT Algorithms. This work is implemented in Tanagra data mining tool.
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Title : Medical Emergency Response in Islamic Community Collaboration with Network of Mosque leveraging the whole concept of Government and Quadruple Helix Model in Malaysia Authors : Muhamad Hairulnizam Hasan, Gul Muhammad, Abdul Rahman Ahmad Dahlan
Abstract : A medical emergency is a situation where injury or illness that will discriminate grows an instant risk to a persons long-term health or even life. Eliminating the medical emergency has become the more critical issue in developed countries especially in rural areas and urban areas. The issues that are normally raised within the matter are on the reachability to the incident and also the time taken to respond to the incident. In this paper we discussed how the Islamic Community with the help of the Whole of government concept (WoG) and Quadraple Helix Model (QHM) together with the concept of Network of Mosque (NoM) will help the congested area where ambulance or medical assistance hard to reach in case of accident, or health Emergency. The Authors intended a consolidative and cooperative mechanism of Mosque and Knowledge Management (KM) as to facilitate the emergency response to the victim. By leveraging the above concepts Writes empathize that the Medical Emergency can be further effaced in rural areas in Malaysia.
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Title : Flat Gain with Low Noise Figure L-Band Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifiers Authors :
Abstract : In this paper, we introduce new design high performance flat gain with low noise figure together in L-Band (1570 – 1620 nm) Erbium doped fiber (EDF) by using double pass Erbium doped fiber amplifier (EDFA) with wave selective coupler (WSC) to eliminate the residual pump power. W demonstrated using 980 nm forward pumping scheme in double-pass system Compared to different pump power in this scheme. In this design we show the value for noise figure decreased with increase wavelength until it reached the lowest value of 3.801 dB at the wavelength of 1600 nm, while the best value for the gain was obtained at a wavelength of 1598 nm and reached 29.464 dB, the input power was fixed at -20 dB.
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Title : A Novel Approach for Natural Exponent Inertia Weight Strategy Particle Swarm Optimization to Economic load Dispatch Authors : Mohd Javed Khan, Hemant Mahala
Abstract : In this paper, various inertia weight strategy particle swarm optimization is used to obtain the optimal power dispatch for 6 unit generator system with constraints satisfaction and minimizing the operating cost. The results are compared among classical Particle Swarm Optimization(CPSO),e1PSO, e2PSO methods. The numerical results affirmed the robustness and proficiency of proposed approach over other existing method.
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Title : Disordered continuum percolation in YBCO/CuO composites Authors : D R Mishra
Abstract : High Tc superconducting systems namely BSCCO and YBCO were studied for the modes of percolation process. The study was carried out on a series of specimens of bulk polycrystalline superconducting-insulating composites prepared in CuO matrix. The specimens of BSCCO and YBCO system were prepared as Bi1.6Pb0.4Sr2Ca2Cu3O + x% CuO (namely BPSCCO+CuO) series and Y1Ba2Cu3O7- + y% CuO (namely YBCO+CuO) series respectively, with x and y values in the range of 0-100% (by weight). The lattice percolation model and the continuum model fit to the observed data. It was observed that BSCCO and YBCO system comply to the lattice percolation model and the continuum model respectively. It is because the conduction in BSCCO system takes place through a well-defined Cu-O lattice and the added CuO grows in continuation to this already existing lattice. On the other hand, the addition of matrix in YBCO system creates a continuous conduction medium very different from the spread lattice conduction sites. The conduction in this system needs Cu-O chains, which do not develop with the added Cu-O matrix.
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Abstract : This paper deals with the optimization of bore-well rescue operation by introducing MRFT (Magneto-Rheological Fluid Technology) in already designed bore-well rescue robot. The proposal is given such that the already existing mechanical gripper was replaced with magneto rheological gripper. Main objective of this paper is to avoid major injury and to assure the safety of trapped baby while rescuing the baby in bore-well with the help of MRF. Magneto rheological fluid (MRF) is a smart fluid whose properties can be controlled with the help of metal particles and magnetic field. These fluids have the ability to transmit force in a controlled manner with the help of magnetic field, thus improving their performance especially in areas where controlled fluid motion is required. Some applications of magneto rheological fluid technology are in dampers, brakes, journal bearings, pneumatic artificial muscles, optics finishing, fluid clutches, aerospace etc. where we give electrical inputs and get the mechanical output comparatively faster and in a controlled manner. Thus the paper explains the basic nature of magneto rheological fluid and its application in our proposed bore-well rescue robot gripper.
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Title : On (α,β)- Fuzzy Hv- Submodules of Hv- Modules Authors : Arvind Kumar Sinha, Manoj Kumar Dewangan
Abstract : In this paper we introduce the concept of an -fuzzy -submodule of an -module by using the notion of �belongingness � and �quasi-coincidence � of fuzzy points with fuzzy sets, where are any two of with Since the concept of -fuzzy -submodules is an important and useful generalization of ordinary fuzzy -submodules, we discuss some fundamental aspects of -fuzzy -submodules. Also we extend the concept of a fuzzy -ideal with thresholds to the concept of a fuzzy -submodule with thresholds Mathematics Subject Classification 20N20
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Title : Effects of Econometric Softwares on US Stock Market Authors : Yuxiang Zhang, Liuling Li
Abstract : In this paper, the impacts of econometric software on stock market are studied. A new model is used, which is based on the EGARCH-type volatility in Nelson (1991), the non-Normal error of SSAEPD in Zhu and Zinde-Walsh(2009) and the 3-factor model of Fama and French (1993). Data of Fama-French 25 portfolios are used. Following Ooms and Doornik(2006), we select 1965, 1970 and 1985 as the break points and divide data into 6 sub-samples. MLE and LR is used to estimate this model and test parameter restrictions, respectively. The residuals are checked by KS test.
Empirical results show the Market factor, the Size factor and the Book-to-market factor are alive among 1965, 1970 and 1985 wave of econometric software. And the estimated results of 1985 wave of econometric software are compared with those of 1965 and 1970 econometric software generations, which shows both the similarity and difference those events have on the stock market.
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Title : Solar Panels Modeling Based Design Technique for Distributed Generation Applications Authors : Ahmed M. Soliman, Adel El Shahat, Mohamed A. Sharaf
Abstract : Photovoltaic (PV) solar energy has become very important in power systems. PV systems became an affirmative part in power grids. For engineers; it is very important to design and simulate such systems that serve the solar plants. The PV modules are modeled by the use of actual manufacturers’ data listed in the lookup table model. The lookup table is performed by the use of MATLAB/Simulink toolbox based. Moreover; Artificial Neural Network (ANN) numerical technique is used to simulate and evaluate the designed modules. The implemented work may help the designer and/or investor in order to elect a specified PV module according to the demanded power load thence; designing the PV fields for many of power applications. The results show a very good matching with the actual commercial data points of the PV systems.
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Title : Wireless Evolution with 4G Technologies and comparison between 3G and 4G Authors : Md. Nazrul Islam, A.O.M Asaduzzaman
Abstract : The word wide revolution in mobile is changing our lives in term of the way we work, learn and interact. A long way in a remarkably short time has been achieved in the history of wireless. Evolution of wireless access technologies is about to reach its fourth generation (4G).In the past few decades, mobile wireless technologies have experience 4 or 5 generations of technology revolution and evolution, namely from 0G to 4G. 4G seems to be the solution for the growing user requirements of wireless broadband access and the limitations of the existing wireless communication system. The Fourth generation (4G) will provide access to wide range of telecommunication services, including advanced mobile services, supported by mobile and fixed networks, which are increasingly packet based, along with a support for low to high mobility applications and wide range of data rates, in accordance with service demands in multiuser environment. In this paper, we review evolution of 4G mobile technology and comparison between Fourth generation (4G) and Third generation (3G) mobile technology vis-à-vis in terms of their portals, performance, advantages and disadvantages. The paper throws light on the evolution and development of 4G mobile wireless technologies along with its speed, connected devices, components and related protocols.
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Title : English to Bangla Phrase�Based Machine Translation System with the Help of Rules Authors : A.O.M Asaduzzaman, Md. Nazrul Islam
Abstract : In this paper we present a machine a machine translation system to translate an English sentence into a Bangla sentence of equivalent meaning. We have considered the translation of simple, declarative English sentences to Bangla for Present, Past and Future tenses. To do this work we employed Rule-based decision making principle along with phrasal decomposition of the sentences. A bilingual dictionary has been developed to provide the morphological properties and contextual information of the English words with their corresponding Bangla meaning. The proposed MT system starts with parts of speech tagging of the English sentences. Then the system applies a phrasal decomposition method to obtain individual phrases out of the sentences. To make the translation process easier a preprocessing of the phrases before translation has also been considered.
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Abstract : Neural networks and AI (Artificial intelligence) are the most emerging technology for the computer to make things analyze and learn in a better way[1]. Back propogation is one of the most commonly used algorithm in the neural network for learning. We are proposing the back propogation algorithm for character (0-9) images for image recognition analyzing the way it works and also the impacts on the change of its paramaters as proposed in our previous papers[6] .This paper discusses how the neural network can be used to rcognize digits and also results and conclusion.
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