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Title : Modeling and Sensitivity Analysis on Cost, Volume and Profit in a Production Venture Authors : Steve, Nwankwo
Abstract :
This paper aims at modeling a single alternative production venture and a two alternative production venture using mathematical and analog models simultaneously. Sensitivity analysis was used to confirm the authenticity of the models by analyzing data collected from similar production ventures. The break even point for the production ventures were determined using both the mathematical and analog models, and this helped in taking decisions for a single alternative and two alternative production ventures which were considered in the study. |
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Title : Fabrication of Catalytic Convertor for Automibile Authors : G.Balasubramanian, P.Balashanmugam, D.Karthikeyan
Abstract : Diesel power inevitably finds a very important role in the development of the plant’s economy and technical growth. In spite of their high thermal efficiency, one cannot ignore the fact about the effect of their exhaust, in the atmosphere. It is a well-known fact that the toxic gases emitted in diesel engines are less than the engines. Due to the high cost of petrol, diesel engines are more in use. Anticipating the use of diesel engines, even more in the near future; this system developed can be used to control the toxic gases, coming out of the diesel engines. These toxic gases are harmful not only to the atmosphere, but also to the human & animal race. The objective of this project is to design & fabricate a simple system, where the toxic levels are controlled through chemical reaction to the more agreeable level. This system acts itself as a silencer; there is no need to separate the silencer. The whole assembly is fitted in the exhaust pipe; it does not give rise to any complications in assembling it. This system is very cost effective and more economical. The rapid growth in the energy consumption at the individual level has given rise to a dramatic increase in both air and water pollution problems. The automobile is probably the most notorious source of atmospheric air pollution on a total mass basis. Under the Indian Conditions two and four wheelers have become the most popular mode of transport. In the present work catalytic converter was chosen for CI engine emission control, to reduce CO, HC and NOx emission. A catalytic converter has to be designed and introduced in the exhaust line of the CI engine. In the present work Kirloskar TV-I engine is chosen for emission control study using a catalytic converter. The objective of the catalytic converter is to reduce the cold start emission of CO, HC and NOx in the exhaust gas of the engine. The catalytic converter is made of stainless steel plate. The plate is coated with copper, Nickel and Chromium catalytic materials. These emission levels will be measured using the AVL exhaust gas analyzer and the results will be analyzed.
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Title : Effect of heat treatment on the microstructure and mechanical properties of High Manganese Steel 15Mn2Cr1V Authors : Nguyen Duong Nam, Le Thi Chieu, Pham Mai Khanh, Pham Hữu Kien
Abstract : In this work, we want to propose the method to increase the abrasion of the High Manganese Steel (HMS) 15Mn2Cr1V, which is heat treated by the different processes, i.e. the HMS is intermediate heated and without intermediate heating treated before austenizing. The obtained experimental result reveals that with intermediate heating, the austenite is uniform, small size grain (level 6 according to ASTM) and no carbides at the grain boundary. The obtained hardness value is equal to 98 HRB and much larger than one for the process without intermediate at 6500C. The obtained average impact toughness is equal to 115 This value is also larger than one for the process without intermediate (17
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Title : Induction Practices and Procedures of New Employees in the Department of Educational Foundations at Great Zimbabwe University: Any Missing Links? Authors : Dr. Andrew Chindanya
Abstract : This qualitative research examined induction practices and procedures of new employees in the department of Educational Foundations at Great Zimbabwe University to see if there are any missing links. The research obtained information through participant observation of practices and procedures being employed. The findings were that the university employs appropriate level of induction and uses the induction to ensure attendance. The department provides clear expectations of performance, is a reputable source of information and advice and adds local relevant items to the induction. The department ensures quick settling and addresses basics despite the absence of a checklist. In this department, one size does not fit all since practices are tailor made to the situation obtaining. The research concluded the new entrants to the Department of Educational Foundations of Great Zimbabwe University receive appropriate, structured and supportive induction commensurate with their roles and responsibilities though induction checklist is not being used. The research recommends that such good practices be documented so that other departments can benefit from these good practices.
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Title : Fidelity amid the Employees of Star Hotels Authors : Kiruthiga.V, Magesh.R
Abstract : The study aims in identifying the factors that result in loyalty among the employees of star category hotels. A total of 500 employees were surveyed regarding their agreement level with the identified factors of employee loyalty. Percentage analysis was performed to identify the key contributors to employee loyalty. The results reveal that when the hotel management aims in maximising the career potential of the employees and treats employees as part of the hotel then a loyal workforce is created and they will help in boosting the profitability and productivity of the hotel industry.
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Title : Design Optimized Framework for Migrating a Legacy System to Cloud Environment Authors : C.Udaya Shankar, P.T.Ajith, N.Naveen Kumar, S.Pushpalatha
Abstract : Cloud computing have attracted more and more enterprises to migrate their legacy applications to the cloud environment because of its high-scalability, on-demand nature. Although the cloud platform itself promises high reliability, ensuring high quality of service and high reliability is still one of the major concerns, since the enterprise applications usually consist of a large number of distributed components. Thus, improving the reliability of an application during cloud migration is a challenging and critical research problem. To address this problem, we propose a reliability-based Reliability Optimization Cloud (ROCloud) and consider all the constraint factors such as cost, etc., to improve the application reliability by fault tolerance. ROCloud includes two ranking algorithms. The first algorithm performs ranking of all the components, for an application, that will be migrated to the cloud. The second algorithm ranks components for hybrid applications that only part of their components are migrated to the cloud. Both algorithms employ the application structure information as well as the historical reliability information for component ranking. Based on the ranking result, optimal fault-tolerant strategy will be selected automatically for the most significant components with respect to their predefined constraints. The experimental results show that the reliability of the application can be greatly improved by refactoring a small number of error-prone components and tolerating faults of the most significant components
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Title : Implementing Strategies for Technology Enabled Technical Education in India Authors : Dr. M. Narendra Kumar, Mr. David Voraganti
Abstract : This paper aims to highlight the need for a new approach of learning and the role of technology in implementing e-learning. This paper also emphasizes the need for technical education to prepare individual with skills necessary to find and maintain employment. This will involve the provision of skills such as critical thinking, problem solving, career development, and lifelong learning. The paper also examines issues related to requirements, concerns and challenges. Synergistic, scalable use of technology, hybrid model of delivery and networking approaches have been suggested for implementation of technology enabled open learning model. The paper concludes with some suggestions for implementation of a technology enabled open learning model. A list of tools and resources for e-learning has also been appended
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Title : Design and Control of Multi Level Inverter with Single DC Source Authors : Agnihotram srinivas kumar , M.Sridhar
Abstract : In this project six rules for designing hybrid cascaded multilevel inverters with simplified supply and low switching losses have been derived. These design rules constrain the ratio between the dc voltages of the supplied cells and the dc voltages of the unsupplied cells. They allow one to design single- and three-phase inverters that can be operated either with staircase or with PWM. New configurations that increase the flexibility for choosing suitable switches. The concept of energy balance domain has been introduced to characterize the achievable operating modes and power factor.
Hybrid asymmetrical cascade multilevel inverters, they combine cells of different voltage ratings different topologies, or even combine switch converters with linear amplifiers. So, in this project mainly focused on the design and control of high-resolution, high-efficiency multilevel inverters with simplified dc power supplies. It introduces several rules for systematically designing the dc voltages of the cells, for which all unsupplied capacitor voltages can be regulated. Six classes of inverters are obtained covering single and three phase, staircase and pulse width-modulated (PWM) inverters.
New configurations of hybrid cascade multilevel inverters are obtained for each class. A double modulation strategy with two different frequencies is proposed that allows switching losses of PWM inverters to be reduced. Decoupled mechanisms are proposed for the total and internal energy balances. It is shown how to make the design robust by taking into account conversion losses and large dc-voltage imbalances in the design and control. The entire proposed system will be tested using MATLAB/SIMULINK.
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Title : Performance Analysis of Lithium-Bromide Water Absorption Refrigeration System Using Waste Heat of Boiler Flue Gases Authors : B.Babu, G. Maruthi Prasad Yadav
Abstract : Vapor absorption refrigeration is a low grade thermal input device, which is mostly used along side with industries, which have high thermal waste and also simultaneously requires cooling parts of the plant. For air-conditioning in which refrigeration below 00c are not needed, an absorption refrigeration using lithium-bromide and water, has been successfully developed and has achieved great commercial success.
Owing to the threat of global warming due to high thermal disposal and to compensate the energy crisis, VAR is likely to gain immense prominence in near future. Main theme is to utilize the waste heat of the flue gases generated in thermal power stations. Before leaving these gases to the atmosphere through the chimney necessary mass of flue gases is by passed and is made to deliver it generator so as to run the vapour absorption refrigeration system there by conserving the energy.
The aim of the project is to perform analysis on absorption refrigeration system using lithium-bromide and water as refrigerant and to find out the influence of operating temperatures on the thermal loads of components and their co-efficient of performance. Finally come up with the operating conditions where it can run by effectively utilizing the waste heat of the flue gases.
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Title : Promoting Appropriate Technology for Sustainable Development: Case of Agro-processing SMEs in Tanzania Authors : Jafari Mwanza, Bashira Majaja, Elias Erasto
Abstract : The present status of agro-processing SMEs in Tanzania is largely informal, under-performing and in need of considerable assistance to overcome barriers to its growth. Agro-processing SMEs use labour-intensive technologies to compensate for the lack of technical capacity in order to perform well. The strength of the Tanzanian agricultural sector lies in the ability of the farmers to produce high quality produce and products. This will only be possible through the use of appropriate technology right from the farming stage through processing to marketing. The transformation process of changing raw agricultural material to consumable value added product must require the use of appropriate technology in one form or another. In fact technology are the key to improving efficiency in agro processing and value addition industry to compete against imported produce from countries with developed industry. This paper focuses on how to promote appropriate technology and overcome barriers for sustainable development and growth of agro-processing SMEs in Tanzania. The discussion of the findings is based on the data collected from questionnaires and interviews which was administered to 120 Small-scale Agro-processing Enterprises in nine regions of Tanzania.
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Title : Hsu-structure on quasi umbilical sub manifold of KH-structure manifold Authors : Virendra Nath Pathak, Geeta Verma
Abstract : The purpose of the present paper is to study the quasi umbilical submanifold of co-dimension-2 of KH-structure manifold. Hypersurfaces immersed in an almost hyperbolic Hermite manifolds studied by Dube [4]. On Hsu-structure manifold have been by the Definition. We have obtained the conditions for this sub manifold to be W-Quasi umbilical. The paper is organized as follows quasi umbilical. In section one, introductory part of Hsu-structure and KH-structure is defined some useful equations. In section two, we prove that the some theorems, definitions and corollaries in quasi umbilical submanifold as well as Nijenhuis tensor. In the end, we have discussed about manifold and quasi umbilical submanifold.
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Title : Fertility and Its Proximate Determinants of Bangladesh Authors : Dr. Md. Roshidul Islam
Abstract : The study of determinants of fertility in a population is a complex process. While fertility behaviour influences population growth, which has consequences towards pressure on resources, employment situations, health and other social facilities, and saving and investment, such consequences, in turn, have great bearing on the socio-economic variables that affect fertility behaviour. The issues are further complicated because the factors that are perceived to influence fertility are highly interrelated. The conceptualization of the determinants of fertility involves a multitude of factors that vary greatly in the intensity and direction of force they exert on fertility. The study of the relationship of fertility levels to specific economic, social and cultural variables in the low as well as high fertility countries has “led to the hypothesis that for the most part the same factors which are thought to account for the decline of fertility in the low fertility countries are, in a reverse sense, also responsible for the continued high levels of fertility in the high fertility group” (UN, 1973).
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Title : Effect of Copper Dust on Photosynthesis Pigments Concentration in Plants Species Authors : Mohnish Pichhode, Kumar Nikhil
Abstract : Effect of copper concentration was studied in the plants within the Malanjkhand Copper Mining Project (MCP), Balaghat, Madhya Pradesh (India). Copper affects vegetation were determined through biochemical parameter (paper chromatography) in the tree species like Tectona grandis, Mangifera indica, Butia monosperma and Madhuca indica which were exposed to different copper dust concentration load for short duration. Variations in biochemical parameter like different pigments in the leaves were separated by paper chromatography found significant in difference. This variation can be used as indicator of copper concentration for early diagnosis of stress as a maker for physiological damage to plants prior to the onset of visible injury symptoms. The present study reflects the elevated concentration of copper in the associated plant species within the Malanjkhand Copper Mining Site.
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Title : Assessment of the Global Solar Energy Potential at Auchi Area of Nigeria Authors : Ebunilo, P. O. B., Izah, L. A.
Abstract : This paper assessed the global solar radiation potential in Auchi area of Nigeria, for the period of January, February, March and April, 2014. Auchi lies between latitude 7014’ North and 7034’ North of the equator and longitude 6014’ East and 6043’ East of the Greenwich Meridian. The climate is subhumid and the average temperature is about 330C in the rainy season and about 420C in the dry season. Procedure employed involved the use of Hargreaves-Samani’s equation as a method of estimating solar radiation using minimum climatological data. The method or model makes use of recorded daily maximum and manimum temperatures for the four months while weather station parameters (sunset hour angle, extraterrestrial solar radiation, etc) were directly derived from the latitude of the area. The model provides a simple and low cost system for estimating solar radiations because it does not require expensive hardware for data processing nor information from neighbouring meteorological stations for spatial interpolation. The global solar radiation at Auchi area of Nigeria within the period of study exhibits monthly variation but an average or mean of 22.61MJ/m2/day was obtained for the four months. The information from the study conducted will go a long way to establish solar irradiation data on the area which will then form a baseline for any planned application of solar irradiation in the area, such as in the design of solar photovoltaic systems.
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Title : Determination of Cell Operating Factor and Cell Efficiency of a 5kva Standalone Solar Photovoltaic System Authors : Ebunilo, P. O. B., Izah, L. A.
Abstract : The numerous electrical energy challenges in Nigeria has made it necessary to move away from conventional methods of electrical power generation based on fossil fuels and look for a cheap, alternative, renewable source of energy such as solar energy .Solar panel (or panels) which is one of the most vital component of a photovoltaic system are imported from different manufacturers and countries and are being used locally with little or no information of their appraisal and field performance. This study determines the performance of a 5KVA standalone solar photovoltaic system by determining the cell operating factor and cell efficiency of the system. The 5KVA standalone solar photovoltaic system is made up of a 5KVA, 48V inverter; twenty (20) solar panels of 80W, 12V each; eight (8) deep cycle batteries of 150AH, 12V each; a 60A Tristar solar controller; a digital multimeter for measuring the voltage produced by the solar panels and an analog panel meter for measuring the current produced by the solar panels. The system was operated for four months, from 1st of January to 30th of April, 2014 and voltage and current readings taken for all the days from 6.00 Am in the morning to 8.00pm in the evening. From the readings, the cell operating factor and cell efficiency were calculated by using the voltage and current that correspond to the maximum power output. The average cell operating factor or fill factor for the twenty solar panels was found to be 0.49 while the average efficiency was obtained to be 9.05%. These values are however lower than the laboratory or theoretical values
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Title : Efficiency of DC-DC Buck Boost Converter with Mode Select Circuit and Soft Switching Techniques Authors : K.Kishore, Dr.M.Sridhar
Abstract : This paper presents a high efficiency positive buck–boost converter with mode-select circuits and feed-forward techniques. Four power transistors produce more conduction and more switching losses when the positive buck–boost converter operates in buck–boost mode. Utilizing the mode-select circuit, the proposed converter can decrease the loss of switches and let the positive buck–boost converter operate in buck, buck–boost or boost mode. By adding feed-forward techniques, the proposed converter can improve transient response when the supply voltages are changed. The proposed converter has been fabricated with TSMC 0.35μm CMOS 2P4M processes. The total chip area is 2.59 × 2.74 mm2 (with PADs), the output voltage is 3.3 V, and the regulated supply voltage range is from 2.5–5 V. Its switching frequency is 500 kHz and the maximum power efficiency is 91.6% as the load current equals 150 mA.
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Title : Design 24x7 Water supply scheme for Tarabai Park E.S.R. Zone Authors : G.B. Birajdar, R.A. Panke
Abstract : This paper deals with details study of design of 24 x 7 water supply scheme.Water is most vital resource for life and is consider as essence of life, in our plant earth 97% of water lies in oceans, 2% is frozen ice state and remaining 1% is fresh water. History of human civilization reveals us that water supply and civilization are almost synonymous.
Therefore, in order to ensure the availability of sufficient quantity of good quality water if become almost imperative in a modern society, to plan and build suitable water supply schemes. The provision of such a scheme shall ensure a constant ad a reliable water supply to that section of people for which it has been designed. The existence of such a water supply scheme supply scheme shall further help in attracting industries and thereby helping in industrialization and modernization of society such schemes shall, therefore, help in promoting wealth and welfare of the entire humanity as a whole.
Basic requirements 24 x 7 water supply scheme are availability water at source metered water supply water tariffs, Adequacy of systems for design demands preventive maintenance control.
From different case studies it is revealed that, by reducing unaccounted for water, 100% metering commotions, effective design O & M and by increasing public awareness regarding water conservation, the intermittent type of water supply scheme can be converted from intermittent to 24 x 7 water supply scheme.
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Title : Few Case study samples for cost effective numerical modelling Authors : N. S. MurthiSarma, S.P.Venumadhavarao
Abstract : This paper focus about introduction of power of numerical modeling in two cases. The case study result encourages the utility of modeling for various purposes.
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Title : Potential of Water Hyacinth for Treatment of Dairy Wastewater Authors : Er. Nilesh B. Deshmukh, Dr. M. V. Jadhav, Er. Sambhaji H Rajebhosale, Er. Manesh B. Satpute
Abstract : In this paper it is shortly discussed that dairy industry have shown tremendous amount in growth in size. The water generated from this industry is characterized by high Chemical oxygen demand, Biochemical oxygen demand nutrients and organic and inorganic contents. If this wastewater is directly discharged without treatment in to the sewers it will affects on human health and aquatic life and soil fertility powers.
In this article the study is to treat the waste water generated from dairy industry by water hyacinth (Eicchornia-Crassipes) The Physiochemical and Organic parameters are examined to verify the quality and extent of pollution by which PH , BOD, COD, TDS, TSS, TN, TP and significant reduction in the parameters were observed and hence found more useful. In this study it is observed that initially the wastewater sample was so Alkaline but after treatment the PH observed near to the neutral also BOD reduction efficiency was 80%-85% and COD reduction efficiency was 70%-75% Also remove the nutrients and other chemical elements from sewage and industrial effluents and use the treated wastewater for Agriculture purpose. The Stress is given on best lowest cost treatment.
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Title : Parametric Study on Location of Shear Wall with Opening in Irregular Structure with Respect to Seismic & Blast Load – A Review Authors : Arvind Patel, Dr. K.B. Parikh
Abstract : Shear walls are structural systems which provide stability to structures from lateral loads like wind, seismic loads. These structural systems are constructed by reinforced concrete, plywood/timber unreinforced masonry, reinforced masonry at which these systems are sub divided into coupled shear walls, shear wall frames, shear panels and staggered walls. As the functional requirement opening is provide in the shear wall in term of door and window and other duct. So the present paper work was made in the interest of studying various research works involved in enhancement of shear walls with opening and their behaviour towards lateral loads and accidental load like blast load
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Title : Rural Development and Urban Results Authors : Mr.Yash .M. Bhadange, Er. Nilesh .B. Deshmukh, Mr.Akshay.D.Bhatjire, Mr.Atharva .K. Mutrak
Abstract : India is a developing country not a developed country. Many part of our country is suffering from scarcity of basic needs of humans and other primary needs such as Education, Transport Services, and Communication etc. It is very important to develop cities as well as rural areas i.e. “Rural Development And Urban Results” and beside if we include “Green Building” concept which is also known as a sustainable building is designed will give most valuable addition for protection of our environment to meet some objectives such as occupant health using Energy, Water, Waste Management, Renewable Energy and other resources more efficiently and reducing the overall impact to the environment and make building Economical. It is an opportunity to use the resources efficiently while creating healthier buildings that improve human health, and build a better environment. The Indian Green Building Council is government council which runs for protection of our environment. The IGBC gives rating by their specific norms of Eco-Friendly construction of the building. This project is on basic of IGBC council we include several concepts of council for modern green infrastructure construction technology which makes a significant impact on conservation and proper utilization of resources like land, water, energy, air, material etc. There by reducing the overall cost of construction as well as adverse impacts of climate change
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Title : Effective Carry Select Adder with Reduced Area and Low Power Consumption Authors : Pameela.A, Saravanana.T
Abstract : Power dissipation is one of the most important design objectives in integrated circuits, after speed. As adders are the most widely used components in such circuits, design of efficient adder is of much concern for researchers. This paper presents performance analysis of different Fast Adders. The comparison is done on the basis of three performance parameters i.e. Area, Speed and Power consumption. We present a modified carry select adder designed in different stages. Results obtained from modified carry select adders are better in area and power consumption.
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Title : Customers Perception towards Internet Banking in Bangladesh: Analysis made by using Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) Authors : Md Monirul Islam
Abstract : Internet banking, popularly known as online banking is modern technology based computerized system of providing banking systems to client with low cost and quick services. Banking industries all over the world tries to use latest technologies to provide customers high quality banking services. Bangladesh was comparatively a late adoptee and since 2005 it started through Standard Chartered Bank and Dutch Bangla Bank modestly and then spreaded quickly and now almost all the banks in Bangladesh use internet banking though services offered and extent of use differ from bank to bank. But what is striking is the lack of comprehensive study of internet banking covering organizational and operational sides and exhaustive study as to problem and prospects. Considering the importance of internet banking this study was taken up. The main objectives of this study were to evaluate internet banking structure, operations and to examine the customers perception towards using internet banking in Bangladesh. There are 25 banks were selected for intensive study. As to user respondents i.e. internet banking customers, 250 respondents taking 10 respondents from each bank were selected for interview. This research work used extended form of commonly applied and empirically supported Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) of information technology adoption to achieve this objective
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Title : Modeling & Analysis of a Compact Dynamic Model for Household Vapour Compression Refrigerated Systems Authors : G. Maruthi Prasad Yadav, H.Ranganna, Supriya
Abstract : The work of heat transport is traditionally driven by mechanical work, but can also be driven by heat, magnetism, electricity, laser, or other means. Vapor compression refrigeration system used in domestic refrigerators and air conditioners are typical examples of steady-state refrigeration systems. Steady-state refrigeration systems in which the cooling effect is continuous, the refrigerant flow is steady and in one direction. In this work a compact model of house hold refrigerator ismodeled in 3D modeling software Pro/ Engineer wild fire 5. The refrigeration system consists of Condenser, Evaporator, Compressor and expansion valve. The refrigerant used mostly nowadays is HFC-134a.
Thermal analysis is done on the main parts of the refrigeration system using ANSYS-14. In this project work HFC-134a is replaced with HCFC, HFC-152A, and 404R. The commonly used material for condenser is copper, in this project work it is replaced with aluminum alloy 6061 and aluminum. Thermal analysis is done on the condenser, compressor and evaporator by changing the materials and refrigerants.
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Title : Study on Durability Properties of Concrete Prepared by using Rice Mill Effluent Authors : Pradeep T, Mageshkumar P
Abstract : There is a growing concern for environmental conservation and sustainable development across the globe. To achieve long environmental sustainability requires innovative solutions to many problems caused by human to aquatics, atmosphere and land. Environmental problems ranging from noxious aerosols, fumes in the air, heavy metals and hazardous organics into the water to solid wastes that will overcome our landfill.
The scarcity of water resources, the ever deteriorating in many metropolis, the threat of monitoring volumes of wastes without suitable disposal sites and a long list of other critical innovative must be resolved through innovations of scientists and engineers.
Hence, we focus our attention in developing a method for reuse of waste water for construction purpose. In this work it is to be planned to collect the waste effluent from the rice mill in and around erode and analyze the various basic characteristics of waste effluent, then appropriate technology is to be developed to make it suitable for construction purposes. It is also planned to study the mechanical and durability properties of concrete using rice mill effluent.
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Title : Natural resource abundance and Structural Change: The Dutch disease in Algeria Authors : S.M. Chekouri, A. Chibi, M. Benbouziane
Abstract : This study investigates the evidence of the Dutch Disease in Algeria by observing the structural change in the Algerian economy since independence. The paper argues that the Dutch disease in Algeria may be hypothesised. The main justifications behind it are the relative deterioration of manufacturing and agricultural sectors, and the relative improvement of service sector and oil sector performance. Furthermore, the Algerian hydrocarbon exports still dominate the total exports and account for more than 98 percent of export receipts in the last fifteen years. Thus, the work in hand has given more consideration to the Dutch Disease explanations to the oil curse. However, recent studies have mentioned that institutions have a powerful explanation of the curse in oil rich countries.
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Title : Simulation Comparisons of Induction Generators for Wind Power Systems Authors : Gade Krishna Reddy, N.Vijay Kumar
Abstract : This paper describes the performance comparison of a wind power systems based on two different induction generators as well as the experimental demonstration of a wind turbine simulator for the maximum power extraction. The two induction
machines studied for the comparison are the squirrel-cage induction generator (SCIG) and the doubly fed induction generator (DFIG). The techniques of direct grid integration, independent
power control, and the droop phenomenon of distribution line are studied and compared between the SCIG and DFIG systems. Both systems are modeled in MATLAB/Simulink.
A commercial induction motor drive was programmed to emulate the wind turbine and is coupled to the experimental generator systems. The turbine experimental results matched well with the theoretical turbine operation.
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Title : Control Strategy with Voltage Support Capability for Distributed Generation Inverter under Voltage Fluctuations Authors : B.Manmadha Rao, A.Tejasri
Abstract : This paper proposes a voltage controller under voltage sags based on the current scheme,which restores the dropped voltages to its continuous operation limits, Voltage sags are one of the main problems in transmission and distribution grids with high penetration of distributed generation.This paper proposes a voltage support control scheme for grid-connected power sources under voltage sags.
The control is based on the injection of reactive current with a variable ratio between positive and negative sequences. The controller determines, also, the amount of reactive power needed to restore the dropped voltage magnitudes to new reference values confined within the continuous operation limits required in grid codes.These reference values are chosen in order to guarantee low current injection when fulfilling the voltage support objective.Selected experimental results are reported in order to validate the effectiveness of the proposed control.
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