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Title : Environmental Impact Assessment of Hydro Power Development - A Critical Review Authors : Agnivesh Uday Roy, Ajay Bharti, Ram Kailash Prasad
Abstract :
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) has been regarded as both a ‘science and art’ reflecting the concern both with technical aspects of appraisal and the effects of EIA upon the decision making process (Kennedy, 1984). This paper reviews EIA of hydro power projects for the past five decades with emphasis on adoption of a holistic planning approach for development of river basin and stresses the need of giving importance to the basics of engineering, environment and economics. This paper gives stress on the practice of EIA being followed in respect with river valley project development in India and stresses the need of carrying out studies related to river basin management, carrying capacity and cumulative environmental impact assessment through an independent proposed Regional Environment Authority (REA) for the north east region of India which has many micro, mini, small and mega hydro power projects proposed in the mountainous rivers and rivulets spread over several river basins across the geographic boundary limit of states and join the river Brahmaputra in Assam. The river during its course flows through India and Bangladesh before culminating in the Bay of Bengal. Over the past five decades in India, we have looked upon the river valley projects from the perspective of individual project and development of the project area as a general routine outcome. Little or no attention has been given upon the overall impact on the river basin. The prime focus have been energy and revenue but now with the receding and depleting water resources and increasing future water requirement to meet the peak demand of all the projects operating simultaneously in the same river basin, there is a need to review the hydro power plan with a holistic approach and with relative to the comprehensive cumulative environment impact assessment of river basins carried out by proposed setup of REA for sustainable development of the entire region. Unplanned power generating system failure will lead to water grabbing and disputes, investment wastage on uncertainty and unsustainable development, justifying overuse as also misuse. |
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Title : Price war deficit the revenue of MTNL during 21st century: A case study to analyze the market share of MTNL Authors : Mr. Akshay Gupta, Prof. Madhukar R. Nagare, Mr. Ankit Wankhede
Abstract :
The mobile service in India is fastest growing market in world. It is now having the second largest number of mobile connections in the world after China. Mumbai financial capital and Delhi political capital of India are two metropolitan cities where mobile user is at larger number. There are more than five operators in Mumbai and Navi Mumbai including Thane it is becoming difficult for MTNL to retain their market share. MTNL and other operator are all making possible efforts to increase their market share. The mobile services provided by all of them are having almost same features. The MTNL is making all possible efforts to increase their market share. MTNL have tied up with software firms to provide content and niche services. They are adopting competitive strategy to differentiate their services from others. In order to penetrate the market they are offering the lowest call tariffs in the Delhi and Mumbai. The only way to earn profit is by the economy of scales. MTNL has positioned Trump and Dolphin its prepaid brand and postpaid brand as the most affordable mobile service in the market by providing Price Leadership in voice and data services. This has raised problem to MTNL which was one of the Navratna Company of Government before 2000. The objective of this research is to find how price war deficit the revenue of MTNL. A case study is to analyze the market share of MTNL. |
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Title : Analysis and Application of Various Kers (Kinetic Energy Recovery System) On Bicycle Considering Weight Limitations for Maximum Performance Authors : Shaik Himam Saheb, Ch.Dora Deepak, A.Vidya Sagar
Abstract :
“ENERGY NEITHER BE CREATED NOR BE DESTROYED BUT IT TRANSFORMS FROM ONE FORM TO OTHER.” In this transformation it may convert to either one form or different depending upon the forces acting, properties, type of materials and time many industrial applications this converted form of energy is also utilized to improve plant efficiency but major problem arises in recovery of this transformed energy. In automotive industry maximum amount of energy is wasted during braking. This problem is solved by the introduction of regenerative braking. Kinetic energy recovery system is a kind of regenerative braking system which has different approaches to store and reuse the lost energy. This paper mainly highlights the different ways of recovering energy using flywheel, super capacitors, batteries, hydraulic, hydroelectric actuators and influence of weight parameters for maximum performance of vehicle. |
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Title : Short notes on Solar PV and Wind Renewable Energy Sources Authors : P.Manikandan, Dr.S.P.Umayal
Abstract :
In this paper Solar Photovoltaic (PV) and Wind Renewable Energy Sources (RES) was discussed. RES plays an important role to minimise the greenhouse gases effect results to reduce the global warming and protect environment from NO2, CO2 emissions. In developing countries increases their power generation through RES (PV, Wind) also they develop their economy and stability. This paper covers the basic components and principle of Solar PV and Wind energy system. This paper will deliver the basic and special knowledge of basic and special knowledge of Solar PV and Wind energy system especially for UG and Diploma students. |
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Title : The Impact of Information Asymmetry on the Capital Cost Companies Authors : Parvaneh Azimi
Abstract :
The impact of information asymmetry on the capital cost companies a lot of the issues that this has caused in financial literature. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of information asymmetry on the capital cost companies listed on the Stock Exchange in Tehran. To this end, four different criteria were analyzed including cost of capital, cost of common stock, retained earnings cost of capital, cost of debt and the weighted average cost of capital. The results of 94 companies during 2008-2014 using combined data suggest that the information asymmetry and two other criteria weighted average cost of capital, the cost of capital, retained earnings and cost of capital, there is no significant relationship. Based on the above results, it can be said that the definition of operating capital expenditure on the presence or absence affects the relationship |
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Title : Experimental Study of Flexural Behavior of Simply Supported Homogenous and Partial Rcc Beam Authors : Arvind Proch
Abstract :
The experiment is aimed at investigating the flexural strength of partial and homogeneous beams and studying the cracks appearance at the interfaces and failure modes. A beam is a one dimensional (normally horizontal) flexural member which provides support to the slab and vertical walls. In a normal beam (simply supported) two zones generally arise, that is. Compression zone at the top and tension zone at the bottom. As we know that concrete is weak in tension and steel is introduced in the tension zone to take up the tension, but as strength of concrete is ignored in tension zone with respect to compression zone. So logically there is no concrete is required in the tension side. This concrete needs to be provided on the tension side to act as strain transferring media to steel and called as 'sacrificial concrete' Baring strain transferring issue, If this concrete has no tension then why we go for same grade of concrete which is used in upper zone? This is the basic question which led to the idea of concrete grade reduction in tension zone for RCC beams to reduce construction cost. The required tests were carried on in order to check the performance of the beams casted with the variation of grade of concrete in tension and compression zone. The test results were encouraging enough with the reduction in cost compared to the normally casted homogeneous beams. Eight beams were casted to achieve the objectives of this research. In this research we used four controlled (homogeneous) beams two of M25 and two of M30, and four partial beams in two different combinations that is, in first combination we used M25 in compression zone and M20 in tension zone and in second combination we used M30 in compression zone and M20 in tension zone. It was also found that there is not very large difference in flexural strength of homogenous and partial beams. So, the partial beams using lower grade of concrete in tension gave better results. The use grade variation in beams will not only results in achieving economy but also save on environmental degradation by minimizing the use of cement (decreasing the emission of Co2 produced during cement production) |
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Title : The Effects of Packet Drop Ratio and End-2-End Delay in AODV and TORA Protocol using Black Hole Attack in NS-2.35 on RHEL6 Authors : Dipika Jain, Ms. Sunita Sangwan
Abstract :
A network is basically a connection between two or more devices such as computers, telephones, mobiles and laptops etc. The connection can be either a wired connection or a wireless connection. Wireless network connection can be an infrastructureless network with no central administrator. Such a wireless network connection is termed as Adhoc networks. When all the nodes in this network are mobile, then the network is said as mobile adhoc networks (MANET). The nodes are mobile and can anytime freely enter or exit the network. The network has a dynamic topology, self-organizing nodes and is multihop in nature. The paper is about the general survey of the routing protocols and the black hole attack. This paper has two major sections, first is about the general MANET and second is the study of network simulator, NS-2 which concludes with the proceeding implementation work showing the effect of black hole attack on AODV and effect of the same on the TORA protocol over end to end Delay and Packet Drop Ratio as the parameters in the third section which is followed by the comparison and conclusion of the work |
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Title : A Review: Lempel-Ziv (LZ 78) Coding Authors : Harman Jot, Mrs. Rupinder Kaur
Abstract :
Hashing algorithm named two-level hashing that enables fast longest match searching from a sliding dictionary, and the other uses suffix sorting. The former was suitable for small dictionaries and it significantly improves the speed of gzip, which uses a naive hashing algorithm. A similar notion of “finite-state encryptability” of an individual plain-text sequence was defined, as the minimum asymptotic key rate that must be consumed by finite-state encrypters so as to guarantee perfect secrecy in a well-defined sense. Our main basic result was that the finite-state encryptability is equal to the finite-state compressibility for every individual sequence. This is in parallelism to Shannons classical probabilistic counterpart result, asserting that the minimum required key rate is equal to the entropy rate of the source. Gipfeli a high-speed compression algorithm that uses backward references with a 16-bit sliding window, based on 1977 paper by Lempel and Ziv, enriched with an ad-hoc entropy coding for both literals and backward references |
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Title : A Empirical Study on School Students Mentality of Government School Teachers in Coimbatore City Authors : K. Kavitha, Dr. P.B.Banudevi
Abstract :
Education is the only field where a School Student spends important years of their life, the formative years, and a maximum portion of their life. Many psychologists and experts from interdisciplinary sciences speak out that education does affect the pupils personal, social, emotional and psychological development. These years play a vital role in the students overall development and their field of socialization. The field of education is not only offers knowledge but also gives opportunity to do interaction with teachers, friends of same-sex and opposite-sex. These agents of the society keep shaping the child either positively or negatively towards future life. |
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Title : Performance Evaluation of Externally Modulated Optical Fiber Communication Systems Using Nrz, Rz Formats Authors : Dipali Goyal, Er. Sonia Goyal
Abstract :
This paper introduces simulation of performance evaluation of optical fiber communication system using external modulation. Frequency chirps of direct modulated laser limits the fiber length to 4.78 km and 9.14 km under NRZ and RZ formats respectively at BER. The objective of this paper is to analyze the performance of optical fiber communication systems using externally modulated high-speed continuous wave (CW) lasers with different type of modulation formats. Electrical signals of return to zero (RZ) and non-return to zero (NRZ) formats with pseudorandom bit sequences are used to modulate the laser. . The performance of Non-Return-to-Zero (NRZ )and return-to-zero (RZ) modulation format for the optical communication system is analyzed. |
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Title : Performance Improvement of Mapreduce Through Dynamic Information Placement In Heterogeneous Hadoop Clusters Authors : Richa Jain, Amit Saxena, Dr. Manish Manoriya
Abstract :
One and most significant and rising application of massive information happens in social networks on the net, here billions of individuals of the planet connect and therefore the range of users at the side of their numerous activities is growing quick. The quantity of registered users in Facebook, the biggest social network within the world has been over five hundred million. One important task in Facebook is to grasp quickly the dynamics of user behavior trends and user wants supported massive information sets recording busy user activities. The MapReduce framework and its open supply implementation Hadoop give a scalable and fault tolerant infrastructure giant} information analysis on large clusters. However, MapReduce based mostly information warehouse systems are with success inbuilt major internet service suppliers and social network Websites, and area unit taking part in important roles for death penalty numerous daily operations like; internet click stream analysis, advertising analysis, data processing applications, and lots of others. In this paper, we tend to delineated a performance downside in HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System) on heterogeneous clusters. impelled by the performance degradation caused by nonuniformity, we tend to designed and enforced a knowledge placement mechanism in HDFS. The new mechanism distributes fragments of Associate in Nursing input data to heterogeneous nodes in keeping with their computing capacities |
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Title : Effects of entrepreneurship communication skills of sport business managers on customer satisfaction Authors : Raham Armand, Gholamhasan Jafarzadeh, Mehdi Rastegari
Abstract :
Sport as a great economic, social and cultural sector has a dynamic and constructive interaction with entrepreneurship. Since the young are the audience of this (sport) business, for considering and meeting needs of this class of society, communication is addressed, because it is a competitive advantage and a main element of success. This research is a descriptive and correlational field study and an applied one in term of results. To collect data, questionnaire of Azmoodeh et al (2011) was used. After the existing information was evaluated and summarized by SPSS (Version 13), they were tested under Microsoft Windows. Statistical studies showed that there is a positive significant relation between communication skills and customer satisfaction (p≤ 0.01).Based on the results obtained from hypotheses and data analyses it can be concluded that there is a there is a significant relation between communication skills of managers of private sport clubs in Shiraz including interpersonal skills (verbal skills, empathy, active listening, respect, feedback) and nonverbal skills (cheerfulness and appearance), and customer satisfaction. |
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Title : Load Scheduling Of Tasks in Cloud Computing Using Honey Bee Behavior Authors : Monika Rathore, Sarvesh Rai
Abstract :
Cloud computing has recently rising technology, day by day having wide scope in future. Cloud computing is outlined as an oversized scale distributed computing paradigm that's driven by social science of scale during which a pool of abstracted virtualized energetically. the amount of users in cloud computing is growing exponentially. sizable amount of user requests tries to designate the resources for several applications that together with to high load shortly abroad faraway from cloud server. Whenever sure VMs square measure full then no additional tasks ought to be send to full virtual machine if below loaded virtual machines square measure out there. For optimize answer and higher time interval the load must be balanced among full and below loaded virtual machines. during this paper, Associate in Nursing formula is planned named honey bee behavior based mostly load reconciliation (HBB-LB), that targets to attain well balanced load across virtual machine. |
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Title : Hsu-Structure motivate the mathematical Space Authors : Virendra Nath Pathak, Geeta Verma
Abstract :
The purpose of the present paper, we have studied Hsu-structure motivate the mathematical space of circle in one dimensional manifolds. A manifold is a mathematical space in which every point has a neighborhood which resembles with Euclidean space, but in which the global structure may be more complicated. In the present paper, we have discussed the manifolds, the idea of dimension is important. For example lines are one dimensional , and planes two dimensional. In a one dimensional manifold , every point has a neighborhood that looks like a segment of a line. Examples of one dimensional manifold include a line, a circle and two separate circles. In a two dimensional manifold, every point has a neighborhood that looks like a disk. Examples include a plane , the surface of a sphere, and the surface of tours. The trivial example of an n-dimensional manifold is It is assumed that , in section one which contains a brief introduction to Hsu-structure of mathematical manifold and modeling of Hsu-structure manifold, while in section two, defines the special quadratic F-structure and proves some theorems. In section three , we have defined the mathematical modeling in one or more dimensional manifold. In section four, we have discussed the motivational examples of manifold and construct the figures. In section five, we have obtained the geometrical projection and define the slope of the geometrical equations with point (1,0) and (-1,0). In section six, we have calculated the Nijenhuis tensor with Hsu- structure and proved some theorems. In the end; we have discussed the important role of mathematical space. |
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Title : A Study of male germ cells of Raphidopalpa-foveicollis and effects of Radiations on them Authors : Dr. Anil Kumar Khare, Dr. (Smt.) Archana khare
Abstract :
The coleopteran beetles have a world-wide distribution and are found on land, water and also in the air due to their great amount of adaptability in the environment. They are known to cause diseases and also damage food, fruits and vegetables. The red pumpkin beetle ( Raphidopalpa-foveicollis) severely damages vegetables belonging to cucurbitaceae family., researches on measures to control their growth and reproduction have been undertaken over the years. Until recently there have been two main aspects of controlling insects. Firstly, applied control such as by use of chemicals (pesticides and Chemosterilants). Secondly, natural control, such as biological control, by increasing the presence of natural predators of insects like birds, fishes, reptiles, mammals and by cannibilism. More recently integrated pest management (IPM) methods are being employed in which a combination of natural and applied control have been used. The effects of both ionizing and non-ionizing radiation on the male germ cells of coleopteran beetle Raphidopalpa-foveicollis has been investigated in the present study. The study also aims to find out as to what extent radiation alters the process of spermatogenesis and also what changes, it brings about in the quality and quantity of off-springs produced |
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Title : Improving Data Storage Security Based On Key-Base Algorithm in Cloud Computing Authors : Nikita V. Pathrabe, Prof. D. M. Khatwar
Abstract :
Cloud computing has a big problem as security and outsource about the data like edit, delete or update the data. Consumption of highly sensitive data or information on cloud having privacy problem. The data encryption may increase the security thread in some extends but it fall in the problem about data access fastly. The processes that we introduce is Searchable Symmetric Encryption (SSE) which allows retrieval of encrypted data over cloud. So in this paper we fully focus on data privacy issues with the help of Searchable Symmetric Encryption (SSE). Now this is the first time we are going to use similarity relevance and scheme robustness to solve the privacy issues. We found in some system or server that the data privacy is leaks with the use of Order-Preserving Encryption (OPE). To eliminate this leakage, we propose a Two-Round Searchable Encryption (TRSE) scheme that supports Top-k-multi-keyword retrieval. In TRSE we introduce a vector space model and homomorphic encryption methods. In that the vector space model will helps to provide sufficient search accuracy, which enables users to involve in the ranking. As a result, information leakage can be eliminated and data security is ensured. So through security and performance analysis show that the propose scheme in this paper guarantees about high security and fully efficient data management. |
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Title : Improving In Video Face Recognition under Occlusion Using HaarCascading Classifier Authors : Swati P. Kamble, Prof. R. K. Krishna
Abstract :
Identifying faces in images iseasier but face identification in videos is more difficult than that in images because of low resolution, occlusion, non-rigid deformations, large motion, complex background and other uncontrolled conditions make the results of face detection and recognition unreliable. It is a challenging problem due to the huge variation in the appearance of faces in video to achieve accuracy.The main objective of proposed system is to efficiently identify faces even in case of occlusion like glasses, etc. which results in accuracy of system.Facial occlusions, due for example to sunglasses, hats, scarf, beards etc., can significantly affect the performance of any face recognition system. Unfortunately, the presence of facial occlusions is quite common in real-world applications especially when the individuals are not cooperative with the system such as in video surveillance scenarios. While there has been an enormous amount of research on face recognition under pose/illumination changes and image degradations, problems caused by occlusions are mostly overlooked. The focus of this paper is thus on facial occlusions, and particularly on how to improve the recognition of faces occluded by sunglasses and scarf. We propose an efficient approach which demonstrates state-of-the-art performance on streaming video face recognizing in various genres of videos and label them with the corresponding relevant names. |
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Title : Effective Green Supply Chain Management in Industries Authors : Dr. A. G. Matani, M. S. Tripathi, Dr. S. K. Doifode, S. D. Gowardhan
Abstract :
After globalization of markets, organizations are striving very hard to improve their competitiveness in a globalised market. In the recent past, supply chain management (SCM) has played very crucial role in improving efficiency of different operations across whole value chain. In present economic scenario, organizations are trying to achieve sustainable competitiveness in global markets. Sustainability incorporates the concepts of economic, social, and environmental performance. Green supply chain management (GSCM) practices comprise green design, reducing energy consumption, reusing/recycling material and packaging, reverse logistics and environmental collaboration in the supply chain. This paper highlights latest developments in implementing green supply chain management practices towards making green supply chain management more effective and environmental friendly in various industries. |
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Title : Survey Paper on Different Methods in Data Mining Authors : Prof.D.G. Vyawahare, Mr. Aniruddha Suresh Wankhade
Abstract :
In new era the information and data communication technologies are highly used in the Business of Industry. The data warehouse is used in the many business value by improving the effectiveness of managerial decision-making. Basically such a process may open new assumption of dimensions, detect new invasion of patterns, and raises new data with security problems. Rough Sets Theory Based Multimedia Data contain graphics, animations, video, sounds, music, texts etc. This theory represents a promising technique in imperfect data analysis which has found interesting extensions and various applications that handle imperfect knowledge, such as Bayesian inference, fuzzy set, rough set, neural network, decision tree etc |
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Title : Understanding the Effectiveness of teachers in Higher Education in Relation to their Demographic and Educational Characteristics Authors : Dr. Asha Thakur, Monika Shekhawat
Abstract :
The present paper deals with teaching effectiveness of higher education teachers in relation to their demographic and educational characteristics. The objective of the research is to study demographic and educational characteristics of teachers and their relation with different dimensions of teaching effectiveness i.e. Teacher as a person, Classroom management and organization, planning and organizing for instruction, implementing instruction, monitoring student progress and potential. The data is collected from different Engineering & MBA institutes at Jaipur district in Rajasthan through Survey cum Explorative descriptive research method. The Self constructed –Teaching effectiveness questionnaire was used to collect the data with some statistical techniques i.e. mean, standard deviation, f-test, and correlation were used for statistical analysis of the Data. Result shows that the demographic and educational characteristics of higher education teachers have influenced on different dimensions of their teaching effectiveness. |
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Title : An empirical study on Rural Households perception towards Financial Inclusion Authors : Sellan. M, Dr.Aravazhi. D, Dr.Vinod Kumar.G
Abstract :
World bank has reported that 70 per cent of the world’s population lives in rural area and around 68 per cent of them in Asian countries. According to the National Census 2011, nearly 70 per cent of the Indian population live in villages, rest them in cities. The Reserve bank of India (RBI) noted that 50 percent of the Indian population does not own bank account. In spite of India’s reputation as strong financial system, studies and reports mark unhealthy rate of banking diffusion and lower awareness level on banking practices among rural population. In order to penetrate into the rural market, RBI initiated wide range of tools and mechanisms that will include the rural population. The financial inclusion mechanism was sort to compliment the inclusive growth of Indian rural population. The state level banking committee (SLBC) has reported that most of the villages have been included in the folder of financial inclusion plan. The primary question is has it diffused enough and are the rural public aware of the financial inclusion mechanism? Therefore this paper looks to study the rural households’ perception towards Financial Inclusion. The paper concentrates on understanding the rural households’ awareness level, attitude, and satisfaction towards financial inclusion features. It is a descriptive study resting on the primary data source using structured questionnaire. The survey through stratified random sampling was done to cover villages of Tiruvannamalai district. Quantitative approach was followed for data analysis using percentile, mean and ranking methods for interpretation. |
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Title : Viability of Minimum Quantity Lubrication in turning operation on MS Brite Authors : Syed Mohsin Ashfaquddin, Prof. Rahul. D Shelke
Abstract :
Metalworking fluids (MWF) are known to provide many benefits to ensure that metal parts can be machined in a cost-effective manner. The positive features of metalworking fluids have long been established and include friction reduction, cooling, corrosion protection, welding protection from the tool to the workpiece and the washing away of metal chips. In the continuous quest for reducing the use of coolants in machining, only one process can offer a near-term solution for practical applications. This process uses a minimum quantity of lubrication and is referred to as “MQL”. In MQL, an air–oil mixture called an aerosol is fed into the machining zone. Compared to dry machining, Aerosols are generated using a process called atomization, which is the conversion of bulk liquid into a spray or mist (i.e., collection of tiny droplets), often by passing the liquid through a nozzle. MQL has the advantages of being inexpensive and simple retrofitting of the existing machines, same cutting tools used for flood MWF will work, easy to use and maintain equipment etc. However, these advantages do come at a cost. The most prohibitive part of switching to dry machining is the large capital expenditure required to start a dry machining operation. This paper aims at doing a systematic study and review of the available information about minimum quantity lubrication to evaluate its present status in the research and thereby draw some conclusion about its feasibility of application in the practical world. |
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Title : Compression and Analysis of ECG Features Using Optimal Polynomial Approximations Authors : Daniel Tchiotsop, Valerie Louis Dorr, Pierre Kisito Talla, Medard Fogue
Abstract :
The electrocardiogram (ECG) is a signal reflecting the electrical activity of the heart muscles. Computer processing of ECG signals has been a very active area of research for decades. All modern recording systems of ECG incorporate compression software, automatic analysis and a guide for interpretation of the signal. The ECG signal is usually modeled by descriptors to facilitate the automatic analysis. We have proposed in this work, the modeling of the characteristic waves of ECG signal by the low degree polynomials, prior to compression and automatic analysis. To this end, we have implemented a complex QRS detection algorithm, and the extraction of the characteristics wave or intervals is carried out semi-automatically. Each segment of the extracted signal is then approximated by polynomials of low degrees, so that the error between the original signal and the approximation polynomial is minimum. Compression consists in keeping a small number of polynomial coefficients to store or transmit the signal, instead of the large amount of samples values. We have obtained very satisfactory results as regards the compression with very high compression ratio and low values of PRD (Percent Difference square root). We have also shown that the coefficients from the polynomial approximations can be used for the automatic analysis of the signal, especially in the estimation of peak values of the waves and determining their concavities. It is possible to establish correlations between the coefficients of the polynomial approximation and the energy of the signal, and also the spectral congestion of the signal. Similarly, tools of intelligent systems such as artificial neural networks and fuzzy logic may be associated with the polynomial coefficients for the automatic interpretation of the ECG signal. |
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