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Title : The Importance And Contribution Of Pedagogy In Quality Of Higher Education Case Study Of The University Teachers Of Faculty Economics At Saida University Algeria Authors : Dr. khelifa Yakoubi, Mr. Abdelaziz Refafa, Mr. Abdelkader Makhlouf
Abstract :
It is obvious that the transfer of knowledge from the teacher to the student, or more specifically the structure of any teaching situation cant be achieved only by the existence of the three following essential elements: knowledge, teacher and student but adequateness and organization of the relations between these three is determined by using a pedagogy method. In this sense, it is clear that the goal of this research is to know the contribution of the pedagogy method and its impacts on university teachers and its importance in improving the quality of higher education in Algeria, that’s why we have selected a sample of teachers in the Economics Faculty at Saȋda University. In this perspectives, 80 questionnaires were distributed; however 50 questionnaires were returned and answered by the targated teachers. In this regard, we based our study on the use of some statistical tools to examine the hypotheses (Cronbachs alpha coefficient, Students t-Tests, Fishers test, Pearson correlation coefficient). The information collected from the questionnaire were analyzed by Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) 22 software. |
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Title : Study of The Optical Absorption Edge And Optical Constants Of Poly Alpha Naphthyle Acrylate Thin Films Authors : Hassan K. Ibrahim
Abstract :
Optical properties of poly alpha naphthyle acrylate thin films was deposited on glass substrate at room temperature by using cast method technique. The films properties investigated include their transmittance, reflectance spectra, absorbance spectra, extinction coefficient, optical conductivity and complex dielectric constant. The optical constants such as refractive index n the dispersion energy Ed the oscillation energy E0 the light frequency dielectric constant and energy bang gap Eg have been determined by reflection spectra in the wavelength range (200-1100) nm. |
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Title : Security Model for SOA in Banking Authors : Nabeel Muhammed Kottayil
Abstract :
The rapid advancement of technology has changed the way the world operates. Absorption in Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is rapidly expanding in the banking world due to the many advantages it offers such as interoperability re-usability, flexibility, reliability, efficiency and manageability. Banks require proper integration and collaboration among organizational systems to provide correct and efficient services. On the contrary, they include heterogeneous and distinct infrastructures, applications and systems. One of the important features of SOA is the many users of different subsystems and their communication and cooperation in activities. In this architecture, resources and services are often provided in sharing for different users. But, such features in service oriented architecture have brought about some challenges to the technology, one of which is ‘security'. Criticality of the banking domain combined with the complexity that commonly exists is such huge working environment push the security problem in SOA projects to the edge. Therefore i am proposing Service Clark-Wilson Integrity Model (SCWIM), a top down integrity model for SOA capable of describing sufficient conditions to protect data integrity in any SOA implementation based on the original Clark-Wilson Integrity Model. My model can form the basis for system security audits and assist SOA architects in developing banking systems that protect data integrity as well as providing guidance for evaluating existing SOA systems. |
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Title : Changing Indian Consumer Behavior With Respect To Green Marketing A Case Study of Consumer Durables Authors : Vichitra Shukla
Abstract :
Green marketing has enabled for the re-marketing and packaging of existing products which already adhere to such guidelines. Consumers and manufacturers have directed their attention toward environment friendly like low power consuming (energy efficient) electrical appliances, organic food, recyclable paper, and phosphate free detergents. Consumers through their concern are interested in integrating environmental issues in their purchasing decision through their incorporation into the process and content of the marketing strategy for whatever product may be required. As environmental concerns have increased, consumer’s buying behavior related with green products is changing. Now the consumer is aware about environmentally safe products. This paper discusses how Indian consumers behavior is changing rapidly towards the usage of green products. Indian consumers are also concern with how they can live a more eco-friendly existence |
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Title : An Effective Genetic Algorithm for Minimizing Load Balancing In Cloud Multimedia System Authors : Glory V. Umoh.
Abstract :
Cloud Computing plays a role of resource sharing such as information, software, servers, storage, application and services in clouds-based multimedia system (CMS) incorporating a resource manager, cluster heads, and clusters nodes, in which the resource manager allocate clients request for multimedia service tasks to server clusters in accordance to the cloud user’s based on demand basis, and then each cluster head apportion the allocated task to the servers within its server cluster. In a complex CMS, it is a research challenge to design an effective load balancing algorithm that boost the multimedia service task load on servers with the minimum cost of distributing the dynamic workload across multimedia data between server clusters and clients, while the maximum load limit of each server cluster is not disrupted. Unlike previous work, this paper takes into account a more practical dynamic multiservice scenario in which each server cluster only handles one multimedia task, and each client requests a different type of multimedia service at a different time. Such a scenario can be modelled as load balancing problem because of limited user capacity in the server, which is computationally effective but in general it is insufficient. As a result, this paper emphasizes the difference between an existing work and the proposed work and solved the problem of the existing work using an effective genetic algorithm, which is an appropriate method to solve dynamic problems. The results provided in this work give an evidence that the proposed genetic algorithm can effectively use the cloud application |
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Title : Ameliorating effect of Barleria lupulina Lindl.extract against γ (gamma) ray (1.2 Gy) induced mitotic chromosomal aberrations of house musk shrew Suncus murinus Authors : Pradip Kumar Sur
Abstract :
In the pioneering work Sur PK & Das PK (2012a ) , Das PK & Sur PK ( 2012b), observed that leaf extract of Barleria lupulina (BLPE) has anti-clastogenic, anti-tumor, radio-protective and anti-cancer activities in mice and fish. In the present study we assessed the ameliorating effect of the leaf extract on γ-ray (dose = 1.2Gy) induced mitotic chromosomal aberrations of house musk shrew Suncus murinus. The shrews were divided into three sets i.e. BLPE pre-treated series (SET I), γ-irradiated Control Series (SET II) and BLPE post-treated series (SET III). Cytogenetic studies from the bone marrow cells were carried out by colchicine-citrate-flame-drying technique. Different types of structural chromosomal aberrations were observed and studied. Maximum chromosomal aberrations were observed after 16 hr of γ-irradiation (10.25%) in SET II animals, whereas that for SET I it was 5.28% and for SET III it was 3.16%, in the same time interval. Total aberrations were 5.16%, 6.82% and 3.08% for SET I, SET II and SET III respectively. Therefore BLPE was found to show 54.83% ameliorating effect in shrew Suncus murinus. |
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Title : Video Conferencing Authors : Shweta Saini
Abstract :
This paper will give a brief knowledge about the Video Conferencing in daily life and other few places like IMD etc. video conferencing is one of the main or major part in today’s world not only in companies but also for an individual in personal life. The use of video conferencing is increasing day by day and you can just see the world changing. People use video conferencing to interact with friends, do business meeting and even to take interviews etc. The technology is being utilized in proper way. |
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Title : Television Viewing Addiction Characteristics of Secondary School Students Authors : Venkatapati. Charankumar
Abstract :
for decades, research and studies have demonstrated that heavy television-viewing may lead to serious health consequences. Now the American medical community, which has long-voiced its concerns about the nations epidemic of violence, TV addiction and the passive, sedentary nature of TV-watching, is taking a more activist stance, demonstrated by its endorsement of National TV-Turnoff Week. There is no definition of television addiction on which all researchers agree. But people who call themselves ''television addicts,'' studies find, watch television twice as much as the average viewer. One study found that self-described addicts watched an average of 56 hours a week; the A. C. Nielsen Company reports the average for adults is just above 30 hours a week. Recent studies have found that 2 to 12 percent of viewers see themselves as addicted to television: they feel unhappy watching as much as they do, yet seem powerless to stop themselves. |
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Title : Corruption and Economic Growth in GCC Countries Authors : Dr. Anas AlQudah
Abstract :
Empirical measures of corruption in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries of Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have been hard to come by. The GCC countries were only included in Transparency International’s (TI, 2014) Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) starting in 2003, in the 9th year of that dataset’s existence. For this reason, the GCC countries, as is the case for many developing countries, have not been included in the seminal literature (Brunetti & Weder, 1998; Mauro, 1995; Mo, 2001) on the relationship between corruption and economic growth. Previous empirical work (Aidt, 2009; Mauro, 1995; Misati & Nyamongo, 2012; Mo, 2001; Satz, 2013) suggests a negative effect of corruption on economic growth. However, because of data limitations, some of this empirical work has been reliant on a limited set of countries, primarily developed countries. Delimiting an analysis of corruption and economic growth to the GCC countries offers an opportunity to triangulate as well as extend some of past empirical findings in the corruption-growth literature. The GCC countries are wealthy countries, but they are also situated in a region of the world, the Middle East, that TI (2014) has routinely described as one of the most corruption regions in the world. Indeed, if the GCC countries are conceived of more broadly as Arabic-speaking and Muslim-majority countries, then they have close cultural ties to countries outside the Middle East (including Arabic-speaking countries such as Libya and Sudan and Muslim-majority countries such as Pakistan and Indonesia) that also have low TI scores. Largely because of their oil resources, the GCC countries are not only wealthy but have also had the ability to attract significant investment and engage in capital formation. If the relationship between corruption and economic growth in the GCC countries is similar to the relationship between corruption and economic growth in both (a) culturally and / or geographically related countries; and (b) all previously studied countries, developed or undeveloped, then firmer conclusions that can be reached about the relationship between corruption and economic growth. On the other hand, if the nature of the relationship between corruption and economic growth is different for the GCC countries, then there might be a convincing reason to reconsider or modify existing theories about corruption’s retarding effect on economic growth. The findings would also allow conclusions to be drawn about the nature of development itself. |
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Title : Finite Element Modelling In Orthogonal Machining Of Aisi 4340 Using Abaqus Software Authors : Madhu B, Suseel Jai Krishnan S, Baskara Sethupathy S, Nagarajan P K
Abstract :
The aim of this paper is to create a simulation model to examine the residual stresses and cutting forces induced by orthogonal machining in the finished work piece by MQL (Minimum Quantity Lubrication) and the model is validated by comparing it with experimental result. The finite element method is used to simulate and analyze the residual stresses induced by an orthogonal metal cutting process. The Johnson-Cook material model is used to describe the work material behaviour and fully coupled thermal- stress analysis are combined to realistically simulate high speed machining with an orthogonal cutting. Finite Element modelling of Residual stresses and resultant surface properties induced by round edge cutting tools is performed as case studies for high speed orthogonal machining of 20NiCrMo5 steel. As a conclusion we can say that results from 2D simulations are very close to the experimental results at the surface level, but there is bit difference when we go down in the material. In 3D simulation, results agree with the experimental values in all levels. Hence we can say that it is possible to model residual stresses, induced by orthogonal machining with accepted amount of accuracy. |
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Title : Some Fixed Point Theorems for Weakly Commuting Mappings Related to Fuzzy 3 Metric Spaces Authors : Mahesh Kumar Verma, Vikas Kumar Mishra, Manoj Kumar Jha
Abstract :
In the present paper some generalization on fixed point and common fixed point theorems in complete Fuzzy 3-metric spaces are established |
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Title : Evaluation of Operational Workplace and Occupational Musculoskeletal Disorders among Workers in Ethiopian Shoe Manufacturing Company Authors : Tadios Molla, Addis Simanesew, Girmay Asgedom, Ajit Pal Singh
Abstract :
Musculoskeletal disorders in developing countries are considered as main cause of occupational disorders and disability and highly associated with socioeconomic burden to individual, organization and society in general view. The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders and associated risk factors among shoe manufacturing workers. In a cross-sectional study, 47 questionnaires were provided from 247 randomly selected workers of production department of one of the Ethiopian shoe manufacturing company. Data of musculoskeletal disorders was gathered by means of structured questionnaire. Demographic and work related data were collected into the check list. Out of 47 individuals, 47 questionnaires returned and mean age of study workers was 32.2 years old. Leg pains, work postures discomforts are most common musculoskeletal disorders and environmental problem due chemical substances and dehydration are also found more. Musculoskeletal disorders in Ethiopian shoe manufacturing companies happened in high rate. Ergonomic interventions strategies into the workplaces must be focused to eliminate environmental hazards. Proper ergonomic workplace design is necessary to prevent repetitive strain injuries and other musculoskeletal disorders, which can develop over time and can lead to long-term disability. Musculoskeletal disorders had significant association with the job time of work. Improvements in ergonomics improve quality and operators productivity. |
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Title : Study on operational efficiency evaluation of civil aviation listing corporation Authors : Lin Yan, Lin Miao
Abstract :
In recent years, civil aviation industry has great development, but the management of civil aviation enterprise is still extensive. So it restricts the further development of industry. The paper analyzes the operating efficiency of 10 listed companies of civil aviation between 2010 and 2014 by the data envelopment analysis (DEA). It measures and evaluates the technical efficiency, pure technical efficiency, scale efficiency and returns to scale of these listed companies. Based on the results, the paper also gives the corresponding recommendations, which will help civil aviation enterprise improve operating performance. |
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Title : Process Parameter Optimization in Metal Inert Gas Welding of 6mm Mild Steel Plate Using Taguchi Robust Design Method for Improving Quality of Welded Joints Authors : Abebaw Mekonnen, Gizaw Rorissa, Ajit Pal Singh
Abstract :
Welding is a basic manufacturing process for making components or assemblies. Research on welding of materials like steel is still critical and ongoing. Welding input parameters play a very significant role in determining the quality of a weld joint. The gas metal arc welding parameters are the most important factors affecting the quality, productivity and cost of welding in many industrial operations. The aim of this study is to investigate the optimization process parameters for metal inert gas welding for 6mm mild steel plate work piece using Taguchi method to formulate the statistical experimental design using semi-automatic welding machine. Experimental study was conducted at Bishoftu Automotive Engineering Industry, Bishoftu, Ethiopia. This paper presents the influence of three welding parameters (control factors) like welding current (Amp.), wire speed/feed rate (mm/min.), and shielding carbon dioxide gas pressure flow rate (lit./min.) with two different levels for variability in the welding strength. The objective function have been chosen in relation to parameters of metal inert gas welding i.e. final welding quality (better, medium and bad) and minimum number of defects in final products. Eight experimental runs based on an L8 orthogonal array Taguchi method were performed. An orthogonal array, signal-to-noise ratio and analysis of variance are employed to investigate the welding characteristics of mild steel plate and used in order to obtain optimum levels for every input parameter at 95% confidence level. The optimal parameters setting was found is arc strength (A2), wire speed (B1), and gas pressure flow rate (CO2) within the constraints of the production process. Finally the twelve conformations welding tests have been carried out to compare the predicated values with the experimental values confirm its effectiveness in the analysis of weld quality in final products. It is found that welding wire speed has major influence on quality of welded joints. Experimental result for optimum setting gave better quality welding condition than preliminary setting. This study is valuable for different material and thickness variation of welding plate for Ethiopian industries. |
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Title : Modern Complex RADAR signal Emulator for RADAR signal processing and testing Applications Authors : Shaik Mohammad Khaja, Dr.V.K.Suman, Dr. Syed Azeemuddin
Abstract :
These days RADARs use complex techniques such as stagger PRI, jitter PRI with frequency agile characteristics. The frequency agile RADARs switch frequencies with in a pulse to get different types of advantages. Today lot of RADAR signal processing takes place on FPGA platform. These signal processing algorithms include pulse parameters estimation, de-interleaving of mixed pulse patterns, processing complex chirp signals etc. All these algorithms need to be tested at various levels before they get integrated into final system. The project design consists of mainly two modules; The scenario creator and the control logic. Control logic communicates with PC using serial port to capture the parameters set by the user in PC. These parameters are loaded into respective source simulator modules. Each source simulator module consists of NCO for digital carrier generation and pulse modulator. The NCO is programmable to generate all types of frequency agile signals in real time. A top level module consists of all these blocks and will be synthesized to Xilinx FPGAs. The work focuses on the digital implementation inside FPGA. The external costly DAC board is assumed to be standard and is not considered for demonstration of project. Instead, the final FPGA output which is supposed to be DAC input will be demonstrated in real-time with Chip-scope Pro software. |
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Title : An Alternate Approach to DPWM Generation for Power Converters using RL Gates Authors : A.D.Senthil Kumar, T.S.Anandhi, S.P.Natarajan
Abstract :
Reversible logic has received great attention in the recent years due to their ability to reduce the power dissipation which is the main requirement in low power electronic devices. In this paper FPGA based Digital PWM (DPWM) is developed for power converters in low power applications using Verilog HDL coding and simulated using Modelsim. The advancement in VLSI designs helps particularly portable device technologies by increasing high computation requirements, leading to the design of faster, smaller and more complex electronic systems. Also the use of RL gates reduces the transient delay, improving the switching frequency. High switching frequency optimizes the size of power converters. The implemented digital PWM generator using an FPGA utilizes less memory usage and provides flexible PWM patterns. The simulated result shows an alternative approach to the digital PWM generation by using RL Gates which achieves less consumption of power and area. The resolution and gain of the PWM remain constant regardless of the module clock frequency and PWM output frequency. |
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