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Title : Customize Apparel Design Online System: A Conceptual Solution Authors : Abdul Rahman Ahmad Dahlan, Siti Aminah Mohd Ariffin, Puteri Nur Sakeenah Saiful Sidek, Nor Izianti Idris
Abstract :
Nowadays, everything is done online. Many traditional services are made online to ease customers. This conceptual paper propose on a web-based online system that offers customers to customize and design their own apparels, shoes and bags and provide designers a platform to advertise their designs. While there are many websites that provide customize apparel design for normal size people, there are only few websites (especially in local) for big size and tall people. Few short interviews have been conducted to collect information about plus size and tall people; and their buying behavior. The key objectives of this customize apparel design online systems are to ease customers to choice, buy and design their own items such as pants, shirts, blouse and shoes in one stop center. The system is also specialize in customize plus size and tall people because according to the interviews most of them had difficulty when finding apparels and shoes. By using the system, each of the customers can have their own unique design based on their preferences. This system also provides a platform for designers to upload and share their design for free. For this conceptual paper, literature reviews and three integrated suite of tools are being used to helps understand the context and to helps create value for the business and the customer segments. The three integrated suite of tools are the nine blocks of business model canvas (BMC), the value proposition design (VPD) and the environment map (EM). |
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Title : Neutron Yield Calculation of As (p,n) Se reaction with Odd Neutron Numbers for Energy Range (50-100) MeV Authors : Khalid H. Mahdi, Raafat Abdul H. Muslim, Aseel A. Yousife
Abstract :
As the difficulty of obtaining cross-sections for most of the isotopes and definite Energies in international ,we have extract unified set of semi-empirical formulas for calculating Neutron's yield depending on the mass number of the target and energy of projectile, either energy is single or a range .Data of cross-sections was collected against energies for the energy range (50-100) MeV from International Libraries (Koning, AJ; TENDL-2010-2012), for every interaction , then the stopping power of the incident proton by SRIM program was calculated , Neutron 's yield by (MATLAB) program (viir 2008 a) that being designed for this purpose; and the asymmetry energy for each isotopes also calculated ,then mathematical formulas has been extracted through a best fitting process between – asymmetry energy and Neutron's yield at energies (50,60,70,80,90,100 MeV) for targets with odd numbers of Neutron. The parameters that extracted from these formulas were tabled and drown with energy to get unified equation ,that we can corresponding the energy as a parameter in these equation when these equation drown in addition to the experimental and theoretical results they have good agreement with international theoretical results |
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Title : Ethics and Accountability of a Teacher for Environment Friendly Behaviour & Sustainability Authors : Preeti Srivastava, Dr. Savita Srivastava
Abstract :
Barbara Wards words at the Stockholm Conference on ‘Only One Earth’, (1972), “We have forgotten how to be good guests, how to walk lightly on the earth as its other creatures do”, are the harsh reality of the present scenario of our planet earth. We Homo sapiens are known as the highly intelligent species on earth. But in contrast like another species we do not act conscientiously with our environment. In recent years our prime priority is become to quench the thirst of personal greediness and selfishness. During this process, we do not hesitate to destroy the earth’s environment. It is true that we are transforming our self into the most selfish species without any pause. Thus this unfriendly and selfish behavior of human lead to the various major current problems of the earth like global warming, deforestation, ozone layer depletion, unavailability of fresh water, pollution, desertification, rising sea-level, extinction of several species and plants and climate change. All these problems gradually developed on the earth’s surface in the result of human interference in the natural environment. All these environmental problems rooted into the human behavior. Therefore for the sake of quality of earth’s environment, we need to urgently change human behavior towards environment. Precisely present state of environment is the vital call for environment friendly behaviour. In the context of cry for environment friendly behavior, accountability towards the environment becomes prominent stone in the achievement of environment friendly behavior from whole humanity towards their environment. As eminent scientist Albert Einstein has rightly said, “It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.” This same supreme art of the teacher is required in inculcating the accountability towards environment. Similarly in the words of Mary Hatwood Futrell, President of Education International: “When the uncapped potential of a student meets the liberating art of a teacher, a miracle unfolds.” Thus, every teacher in every class-room, every day is performing a miracle which helps in shaping millions of learners to become worthy citizens of the world. |
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Title : The New Digital Age: Reshaping People, Nation and Business through Flipped Arena (Final Empirical Findings) Authors : Salisu Idayat Omolara, Panadda Auyphorn, MD. Habibullah, Abdul Rahman Ahmad Dahlan
Abstract :
Flipped Arena can be seen as communication technique that consists of two parts: interactive learning activities, and direct computer-based individual instruction outside the four walls. The aim of this study to look into the flip arena where people can learn, in many area, where the old or physically challenge people can be able gain knowledge and speak freely. On the other hand introducing the rural area into the future. This research will provides an inclusive survey of respondence by students and people at different areas, data Analysis and empirical findings. Moreover, the final conceptual solution model will be established based on business model canvas (BMC) and VPD. |
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Title : Fault Detection System in Induction Motor Using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Embedded into FPGA Processor Authors : Cesar da Costa, Christian Oliveira Santin
Abstract :
Electric induction motors have been used since the second industrial revolution in the nineteenth century to the present time in the model “automatic industrial production.” This demand for more modern and efficient engines makes searching for predictive maintenance more important in industrial settings. Failures in motors are due to a wide range of possible defects such as unbalanced rotor misalignment between devices, deformations on an equipment frame, lubrication failures, bearing failures, short-circuit between turns, phase imbalance, and broken-bar rotor fault. This paper proposes an automatic detection of broken-bar and bearing faults in induction motors. The study was conducted using motor current signature analysis based on the fast Fourier transform, and failure detection was processed by an artificial neural network (ANN) method embedded into an FPGA processor. |
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Title : Prevalence of Drowning Disaster in Mizoram Authors : Lalrokima Chenkual
Abstract :
Drowning is defined as respiratory impairment from being in or under a liquid. It is further classified by outcome into death, ongoing health problems and no ongoing health problem. Unintentional drowning is the third leading cause of unintentional injury resulting in death worldwide, accounting for 7% of all injury relate death Mizoram is one of the North Eastern States of India, located in 21º56' and 24º31' N latitude and 92º16' and 93 º 26’ E longitudes with the geographical area of 21,081 sq. km having population of 10,91,014. It is bounded by Bangladesh and Tripura state in the West and Myanmar in the East and South; Manipur state, India and Assam state, India in the North. Mizoram is a land of rolling hills, rivers and lakes. As many as 21 major hills ranges or peaks of different heights run through the length and breadth of the state and are separated by 12 major rivers which flow either to the north or south creating deep gorges between the hill ranges; these rivers have major and minor tributaries. Drowning due to River accident is a common phenomena which result in the death of average 40 person every year in the state that is more than other hazards like landslide, cyclone, earthquake and fire that need to looked into the matters as the incident become more and more every year. |
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Title : Histomorphological Effect of Alcoholic P.nigram Fruit Extract on Wistar Rat Models Authors : Pankaj Kumar Nirala, Prof. S.C.Dwivedi
Abstract :
Antifertility effect of alcoholic extract of P.nigram fruit on male and female wistar rat model were investigated. The alcoholic fruit extracts of P.nigram were administered orally to different groups of animals and further their effect on histology of ovary and testes were observed. In this research work different group of animals were administered with low (0.6ml/animal/day) and high dose (1.2ml/animal/day).After the completion of the experiment histomorphology of ovary shown decrease in follicular growth observed at low and high dose respectively compared to control ones. Testes histology revealed that the seminiferous tubular thickness at high dose decreases in diameter supporting the antifertility effect of extract.Antifertility effect of alcoholic extract of P.nigram fruit on male and female wistar rat model were investigated. The alcoholic fruit extracts of P.nigram were administered orally to different groups of animals and further their effect on histology of ovary and testes were observed. In this research work different group of animals were administered with low (0.6ml/animal/day) and high dose (1.2ml/animal/day).After the completion of the experiment histomorphology of ovary shown decrease in follicular growth observed at low and high dose respectively compared to control ones. Testes histology revealed that the seminiferous tubular thickness at high dose decreases in diameter supporting the antifertility effect of extract. |
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Title : A Hybrid Approach for Plant Leaf Disease Recognition Using Image Processing Techniques Authors : Abrham Debasu Mengistu, Dagnachew Melesew
Abstract :
Plant leaf disease recognition based on image processing provides quickly, more reliable diagnosis and control of plant diseases. 15 features were extracted (four morphology, five GLCM (gray level co-occurrence matrix) and six color features) were identified from the image of four kinds of plants i.e. maize, mango, banana and avocado. We were used and compare ANN (Artificial neural network) and SOM together with RBF (self organizing map and radial basis function) were used to recognize plant leaf diseases and compared. The experiments were conducted under four scenarios by using feature sets of morphology, texture and color separately, and finally combining the three feature sets. The total number of data sets is 10380. Out of these, 70% were used for training and the remaining 30% were used for testing. In general, the overall result showed that morphology and color features have more discriminating power than texture features and the recognition performance of combination of RBF and SOM is 92.96% and by far better than ANN. |
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Title : The Effect of Daily Life Activity Loads on Knee Joint Replacement of Overweight Subjects Authors : A. A. Alzahrani, I. Jusoh, S. Azam, M. S. Alsoufi, H. A. Ghulman, T. S. Mandourah
Abstract :
Knee joint experienced several magnitude of loadings in relation to usual daily life activities. Those activities vary from simple walking to climbing and ascending stairs. This paper presents result of study on the effect of loads onto Knee Replacement during six daily life activities for overweight subject group. The knee replacement has been modeled and simulated using ANSYS finite element software. The result shows that one legged activity cause minimum effect of forces and the moments on the knee joint replacement. Maximum forces and moment on the knee were caused by the stair ascending activity. Stand-up /sit-down and knee bend activities gives rather similar response magnitudes while level walking has an average values |
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Title : Evaluation of Recruitment and Selection Procedures A Case Study of an Insurance Company Authors : Dr. Chandra Sekhar Gotlagunta, Mrs. Sarvath Jahan, Dr. Keshamoni Srinivas
Abstract :
the greatest resource India has is its human resource and with it come life issues. Thus India obviously has a huge market for life Insurance. Today Indian Insurance Industry is growing rapidly, only 5 to 6 percent of the Indians insured so far. Now people realized the importance of insurance. There is great potential for Insurance companies operating in this sector. This paper focuses on recruitment and selection process in ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Ltd. It is modest attempt to highlight the recruitment and selection process and evaluates its effectiveness |
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