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Title : Modelling and Simulation Studies on Effect of Maintenance Policies in FMS Environment Authors : Dr. N. Selvaraj
Abstract :
The aim of this work is to study various maintenance policies under Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS) environment using simulation approach by evaluating throughput and availability. Then it indentified the best maintenance policy. Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) and Mean Time To Failure (MTTR) values are assumed to be Exponential distribution of 500minitues to 4000minitues in step of 500 and Normal distribution of mean 100minutes with std.dev10minutess respectively. In this work three existing maintenance polices namely Fully Reliable System (FRS), Corrective Maintenance Policy(CMP), Blocked based Preventive Maintenance (PM) with Corrective Maintenance (CM) policy(BBP) considered in addition to that the author has proposed new policy called HYBRID policy which are combination all three existing policies. Four simulation models have been developed using FLEXSIM simulation software and analysed with several experiments and shows that maintenance of any form has significant effect on performance measures of the FMS. However, the type of maintenance applied is important and should be carefully studied before implementation. The implication of this work is that any FMS system under consideration must be analyzed with respect to several maintenance policies and the best policy should be selected before blindly implementing a policy |
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Title : Nano Technology in Water Treatment Authors : Dr.Komal P.Mehta
Abstract :
The third world war will be for water is said by researchers. The long-term development of the global water situation is closely connected to the growth of the world population and global climate change. Constant growth of the world’s population, which is forecasted to be nearly doubled from 3.4 billion in 2009 to 6.3 billion people in 2050, is attended by a predicted needed growth of agriculture production of 70%, by 2050. Currently, 64 billion cubic meters of fresh water are progressively consumed each year. A group of leading climate impact researchers have shown that climate change possibly exacerbates the regional and global water scarcity. They predict that global warming of 2°C above present temperatures will confront an additional approximately 15% of the global population with a severe decrease in water resources and will increase the number of people living under absolute water scarcity (<500 m3 per capita per year) by at least another 40% compared with the effect of population growth alone. The adaptation of highly advanced nanotechnology to traditional process engineering offers new opportunities for development of advanced water and wastewater technology processes. Here, an overview of recent advances in nanotechnologies for water and wastewater processes is provided, including nanobased materials, processes, and their applications. Besides the promising technological enhancements, the limitations of nanotechnology for water applications, such as laws and regulations as well as potential health risks, are reported. |
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Title : External quality assessment of Algerian neutron activation analysis laboratory Authors : Lylia Hamidatou, Hocine Slamene, Boussaad Zouranen, Samir Beagaa, Mohammed Messaoudi, Djebli Kamel
Abstract :
Participation in inter-comparison programs is an important process to enhance the accuracy and precision of the analytical techniques used in the laboratories. The NAA laboratory of nuclear research centre of Birine participates during the first quarter of 2013 by analyzing IPE International Plant-Analytical Exchange and ISE International soil-Analytical Exchange ISE distributed by WEPAL accredited organism. This work was executed in the frame work of RAF/4/022 project, Enhancement of Research Reactor Utilization and Safety by taking part in analytical proficiency testing IAEA in conjunction with WEPAL, the Wageningen Evaluating Programs for Analytical Laboratories. All results were evaluated in this paper. |
12-18 |
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Title : Determination of essential and trace elements of red fruits and leaves of Pistacia lentiscus L. plant from western Algeria using k0-INAA technique Authors : Lylia Hamidatou, Samir Beagaa, Hocine Slamene, Boussaad Zouranen, Mohammed Messaoudi
Abstract :
The present study describes the elemental composition of essential and traces contents of two organs of Pistacia lentiscus L. plants. The samples were collected from plants growing wild in the Tiaret region of Western Algeria. In this work, we focus to analyze red fruits and leaves extracted from the plants by k0-based on neutron activation analysis technique in our laboratory, the samples were prepared including drying, crushing, sifting and homogenizing before the irradiation step. The samples were introduced in the pure aluminum capsule for irradiation during 3 hours in the experimental channel at Es-Salam research reactor. In the irradiation position, the neutron flux parameters a = 0.027, f = 28.8 and Fth = 3.761013 (n/cm2.s) were determined experimentally by several techniques. Twenty one elements were measured for both samples. Essential elements such as Ca, K, Fe, Na and Zn were found relatively higher in the red fruits than in the leaves except for calcium and iron. In the other hand, almost of the concentration values of trace elements are comparable in red fruits and leaves. For this study, the concept (QC/QA) is considered to evaluate the accuracy of the method. It was established by analyzing certified reference materials representing leaves matrix. Two CRMs NIST 1573a tomato leaves and GSV4 tea leaves were analyzed simultaneously with the samples. Three statistical parameters Z-score, U-score and bias were determined and discussed. |
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Title : Implementation of Virtual Office in a Cloud Environment Authors : R. Gokila, K.Uma Maheswari, Dr. R. Manoharan, D. Geetha
Abstract :
With respect to the paper published [1], the methodology has been formulated without using Speech technology .In this paper it is formulated the methodology to find the approximate benefits like increasing companies turnover by reducing sick leave and as a social responsibility the approximate calculation of pollution reduction is done due to reduction in travelling by using virtual office. And the methodology focuses the way for the customers to get the minimal calculation of the work to be done and possible saving for a company. And it is also compared the benefits and techniques of the actual desktop implementation with the virtualization desktop setup.
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Title : FPGA Design and Implementation of PCIe Target for High Speed Data Transfer to the Devices Authors : Komala M, Dr. Narataj K R, Dr. Mallikarjunaswamy S
Abstract :
Now a days it is very important to achieve a high speed data transfer and high throughput. A very efficient way to achieve the same is the usage of PCI bus technology. It has been proven that it is a plug and play for the hosts using it. It requires no additional protocols or data integrity as necessary in other protocols. In this paper we have proposed a high density field- programmable gate array (FPGA) based architecture using PCI bus interface for high speed data transfer from the dram for usage of BIG data analytic. The design is incorporated with programmable PCI master core which act as an interface between PCI bus and the internal logic design of FPGA. It also comprises of local FIFO for synchronization. A complete FPGA design has been developed in order to interface FIFO and PCI core. The paper is organized is a way which first give the basic idea and over view of PCI IP core usage and its importance followed by design and logic for developing communication with the bus. Finally the results display the way functionality was achieved and design efficiency is compared with the others. |
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Title : Physico-Chemical Studies on Some Manganese (II), Iron (II) and Iron (III) ISO Nicotinoyl Dithiocarbazates Authors : Shashi Bala Kalia, Kamakshi Lumba, Gunjan, Dharvinder Kumar, Manjeet Sharma
Abstract :
Some new manganese(II), iron(II) and (III) dithiocarbazates, M(IN-Dtcz)n, [M(IN-DtczH)2]Xn and [M(IN-DtczH-Sal)2]Xn have been prepared and investigated. For M(IN-Dtcz)2 (M = Mn, Fe) IN-Dtcz behaves as tridentate ONS donor and in Fe(IN-Dtcz)3 as NS donor with six coordination. For [M(IN-DtczH)2]X2 and [M(IN-DtczH-Sal)2]X2 ;(M=Mn ;X=Cl and M=Fe; X=SO4). ligands act as NS donors with four coordination number. The μeff values of iron(II) isonicotinoyldithiocarbazates and their temperature dependence has been attributed to spin crossover,(1A1g) |