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Title : Energy Crisis in Nigeria-The Way Forward Authors : S.O Okozi, F.C Paulinus-Nwammuo, E.O Ezugwu, M.A Ndubisi
Abstract :
The economy of any nation is in arithmetic progression with the available energy supply. Nigeria is a nation where most of its populace are below the middle class. Small scale industries would be the best platform for the citizens to improve their standard of living. The availability of energy is the prime mover that drives this small industries but unfortunately 60% of these class of people have no access to electricity while the rest can’t boast of complete 4hours of constant supply in a day. The current generation of less than 2,300MW creates a crisis in the demand and supply of power despite the abundant reserves of all the necessary fuel for self sufficient supply of electricity in Nigeria. This paper x-rays the different generating alternatives in Nigeria to choose the most appropriate means to address this crisis. From the experiences of other world leading energy producers, coal fired power plant has the potential of supplying adequate power to the country while bringing more job opportunities. |
4-7 |
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Title : Assessment of the Reliability of Paintwork According To Accelerated Test Data Authors : Loganina V.I.
Abstract :
The possibility of predicting the reliability of coatings during operation in field conditions is shown on the basis of the data of accelerated tests. It is shown, that for accelerated tests the change in the determining parameter is inherent in the acceleration. Acceleration of the process of degradation of the properties of the system depends on increasing external influences. A recalculation model is proposed. The recalculation model includes the acceleration of the parameter change and the hereditary factor |
8-10 |
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Title : Blind Side of Secure Electronic Transaction Authors : B. Sheeba
Abstract :
In this eventful world, everyone is living a dramatic role. Barely have we spent time in our home. We don’t have adequate time to accomplish our family desires. So online shopping is the one of the tremendous alternative way to carry out our needs. The customers/users will sit in their home and they can view as many products/service in their desktop and they can decide on the product/service, pay the money through online the merchandise will reach home within couple of days. So the customers don’t know what the phenomenon behind the screen is. So this is about blindsiding of secure electronic transaction. |
11-12 |
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Title : Impact of Information Technology on the Development of Tourism Industry: A Case Study of Tehran Museums Authors : Tahereh Edresian, Abbas Dadras
Abstract :
The main aim of this article is about evaluating the effect of IT on developing tourism industry. This article studied in Tehran’s museum as a case study. The study was done in Tehran’s museum on tourists who visited the museum. The sample was 101 questioners that randomly were answered by tourists. Thesis of the study was tested by the average one-way. The result of study represents that web and virtual reservation of museum has positive impact on the development of general sphere of tourism. While watching picture and movie of tourism hot place such as museum do not have any impact on the number of tourists. |
13-16 |
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Title : Design and Analysis of Connecting Rod for Different Material Authors : Dr. N. A Wankhade, Suchita Ingle
Abstract :
Connecting Rods are used practically generally used in all varieties of automobile engines acting as an intermediate link between the piston and the crankshaft of an engine of an automobile. It is responsible for transmission the up and down motion of the piston to the crankshaft of the engine, by converting the reciprocating motion of the piston to the rotary motion of crankshaft. While the one end, small end the connecting rod is connecting to the piston of the engine by the means of piston pin,the other end, the bigger end being connected to the crankshaft with lower end big end bearing by generally two bolts. Generally connecting rods are being made up of stainless steel and aluminium alloy through the forging process, as this method provides high productivity and that too with a lower production cost. Forces generated on the connected rod are generally by weight and combustion of fuel inside cylinder acts upon piston and then on the connecting rod, which results in both the bending and axial stresses. The present paper attempts to design and analyzethe connecting rod used in a diesel engine in context of the lateral bending forces acting along its length during cycle of it The lateral bending stress are commonly called as whipping stress and this whipping stress forms the base of evaluation of performance of various materials that can be used for manufacturing of connecting rod. The conventional material used is steel which is designe using CAD tool which is CATIA V5 and subsequently analysed for bending stress acting on it in the arena of finite element analysis using ANSYS workbench 14.5 and this procedure is followed for different material which are aluminium 7075 , aluminium 6061 and High Strength Carbon |
17-22 |
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Title : Snags and Remedial Solutions of Secure Electronic Transaction Authors : R. Vijayalakshmi
Abstract :
Secure Electronic Transactions is a very wide-ranging protocol used for secure transaction which is to provide authentication and confidentiality. It contains some inadequacies such a low in processing speed when 56 bit key DES is used and it also faces complexity problem. For the above hitch I designate curative elucidation formulated by different authors in this paper. |
23-24 |
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Title : Applications of Natural Zeolite Authors : Dr.V.P.Deshpande
Abstract :
Zeolite crystals have potential applications in the numerous areas of scientific, industrial and agricultural technology has provided impetus for the research and development programmes that have been carried out in several countries. In deccan trap of India, large deposits of zeolites have been found, but studies on these natural zeolites are rarely reported. Taking the advantage of different types of zeolite crystals available in this part of India that is Marathwada (Maharashtra), it was thought worth while to collect different varieties of zeolite crystals, where the occurrence of zeolites have not been reported so far |
25-27 |
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Title : How Product Packaging Influences Buying Decisions: A Case Study of Tissue Paper in Bandar Abbas City Authors : Fatemeh Reisi, Abbas Dadras, Neda Mozafari
Abstract :
Consumer Buying Behavior is the area of interest for all the companies. Not for their upcoming offerings but for their current offerings too. Its continuous analysis is required in order to fulfill the requirement of customers as well as to compete effectively with the increased degree of competition from direct competitors and indirect competition. There are several factors which can affect the consumer buying behavior but when companies want to analyze it expensive and Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG), the role of packaging found to have the significant role in affecting consumer buying behavior. Packaging is one of the tools that can severely affect consumer satisfaction because it is a powerful marketing tool to communicate directly, conveying the message of the product and creating added value to the consumer. Nowadays, consumers desire products that match their own attitude toward design and function. It’s all about functionality and visual aesthetics which can be seen as the characteristics that create the product’s appearance and define the product’s totality and also consumers buying decision and finally consumers' satisfaction. That’s why major purpose of this paper is to analyze the impact of elements of packaging on consumer buying behavior related with the purchase of tissue papers which are treated as Fast Moving Consumer Goods as well as expensive products in Bandar Abbas city (Iran) and for the analysis of packaging elements on consumer buying behavior a structured close ended questionnaire was developed through the help of important variables and methodologies used in the prior research work. Though questionnaire was distributed among four hundred respondents and among these we have got back two hundred and sixty six questionnaires. Moreover analysis of reliability of questionnaire and implementation of statistical tools has been done through SPSS. |
28-34 |
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Title : Green Internet of Things for Automation of Smart Home Authors : Y.Bhuvaneswari, Mr.B.Venkateswar Rao
Abstract :
The project proposes an efficient implementation for IoT (Internet of Things) used for monitoring and controlling the home appliances via World Wide Web. Smart Living system uses the portable devices as a user interface. The main goal of this project is to remind the user whenever the relay (switch) is on in a house then it has to display the changes that are taken place due to that action performed. Nowadays human life is really machine dependant, so machines are important in human life. In this project the Maker is the application for using the AllThingsTalk Cloud. You can use it on both your computer and smart phone. This means whenever the action performed it sends a notification to our smart phones. A web camera will continuously monitor the outside environment which is attached to out computers as well as smart phones. Devices might be directly or indirectly (through a gateway) connected to the cloud. The system consists of Sensors and Actuators are connected to the device (or integrated in its hardware). These sensors and actuators are called the Assets of the device and are graphically represented in Maker using Controls on a Pin board Many environmental control systems have been proposed in recent times but only few researches have done on smart living based systems. Sensors, Actuators, processing module, a simple control protocol, LCD display, Web Camera, USB Wi-Fi and a host system. By this we provide a climbable and price effective Smart Living system. |
35-39 |
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Title : Efficiency and Privacy-Preserving In Spatial Range Query over Encrypted Data Authors : Prof. Shweta Sidnal, Prof. Kavita D Hanabaratti
Abstract :
The aim of safe location based application to outsource the location based service (LBS) data from the LBS provider to the cloud and from the cloud to the LBS user which protects the privacy related issues of the LBS data. Initially LBS user query for a place to the LBS provider, LBS provider in turn upload the details to the cloud but in the form of encrypted text to prevent the cloud from stealing the data. LBS users in turn decrypt the details by the personal password send by the LBS provider to the LBS user. When the query of the LBS user matches the details in the cloud the LBS user will retrieve the details and make use of it. With the pervasiveness of smart phones, location based services have received considerable attention and become more popular and vital recently. However, the use of LBS also has a potential threat to user’s location privacy. Aiming at spatial range query, popular LBS providing information About Points of Interest, an effective and privacy-preserving LBS solution, called EPSQ is developed. To reduce query latency, further a privacy-preserving tree index structure called SS tree is used in EPSQ. Detailed security analysis confirms the security properties of EPSQ. |
40-45 |
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Title : Consolidating Volunteering Services through Myv4u Platform Based On Network of Mosque: A Conceptual Business Model Authors : Abdul Rahman bin Dahlan, Husni bin Hassan Basri, Muhammad Adib Azri bin Rosli
Abstract :
Being a volunteer in a program have a great impact on our mind and soul. It gives peace, joy, and especially satisfaction for being able to assist and giving back to the community. However, these volunteers are only able to join the events being called to them, usually coming from the same hosts. What about the other charity houses? They don’t have the resources or the same means as other organization to host an event let alone trying to manage one. So in this journal there will be methods of tackling these issue, in hope to advertise centrally for the events that requires volunteering and at the same time the volunteers would be able to find events that are suitable for them to join. It is in hope that this project will strive to success and bring good to the human mankind. |
46-52 |
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Title : Online Food Delivery and Courier Service Authors : Muhammad Shakirin bin Roslan, Aimi Iqbal bin Sha’ari, Muhammad Zhahirin bin Zamani
Abstract :
This case paper will discuss in detail about the business plan of Online Food Delivery and Courier Service which is a online, on-demand food delivery service. |
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Title : Study of Fly Ash Mix on Strength Characteristic of Cement Authors : Digamber Dangwal, Er. Bhavana Arora, Dr. D.P.Gupta, Dr. Arvind Dewangan
Abstract :
In this project our main objective is to study the influence of partial replacement of cement with Marble dust-Fly ash mix. It is investigated that it is able to use marble dust-fly ash mix as partial replacement of cement without compromising on strength & stability. We are also trying to find the percentage of Marble Dust-Fly Ash mix replaced in concrete that makes the strength of the concrete maximum. In the present investigation, a feasibility study is made to use Marble Dust-Fly Ash mix as partial replacement of cement in concrete. This Waste Marble Fly Ash mix is composed of 50% of waste marble dust and 50% of fly ash. |
56-61 |
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Title : The Study of Mix Design of WMM (Wet Mix Macadam) Authors : Salim Khan, Er. Rahul Sikka, Dr. D.P.Gupta, Dr. Arvind Dewangan
Abstract :
This Paper reveals the construction and significance of Four laning of Kaithal - Rajasthan Border Section of NH-152/65 from Km 33+250 (Design Km- 0+500) to Km 241.580 (Design Km 165.759) in the State of Haryana under NHDP Phase -IV through Public Private Partnership (PPP) on Design, Build, Finance, Operate and Transfer (DBFOT) Toll Basis.This paper also indicates the huge role of Construction Technology & Management. |
62-68 |
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