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Title : BWE+: The Design and Implementation of a B2B Platform for Connecting Angolan and Chinese Companies Authors : Edgar Lukemba Fernandes Agostinho, Dr. An Ning, Jamal Jason Alwin Solomo
Abstract :
Managing a B2B e-commerce platform can be a difficult task for programmers in the long run, due to the complexity of required features. There are quite a few ‘solutions’ that are available, however, many limit the ability to extend and customize, especially the UI. By using ASP.NET MVC, .NET Entity Framework & ASP.NET MVC Identity, creating a full-feature B2B platform that allows for easy customization of the UI is simplified greatly. These three technologies make it easier to develop and maintain large-scale web applications easier by decreasing dependencies between the application layers. Improving testability by supporting test driven development, also improves development efficiency and software reusability. The application functionality is separated into three components, the presentation tier (UI), the business tier (business logic), and the data tier (database tier). The system is built to take advantages of the “one belt one road initiative” created by the Chinese government. The system will function as a window to strengthen and create new business opportunities between companies of both countries. Satisfy a variety of market demands and enhance cooperation. |
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Title : Myfood E-Commerce Platform – Enabling People To Cook From Their Homes As A Part Time Job, In Enhancing Job Opportunities For Those Who Want To Work From Homes Authors : Muhammad Zulhafizi Bin Zulkipli, Wan Muhammad Nazmi Sharafuddin Bin Wan Abdul, Mohamad Hazim Bin Abd Rahman, Abdul Rahman Ahmad Dahlan
Abstract :
This paper proposes a conceptual solution to enhance job opportunities for those who want to work from their homes especially to help housewives, students or any small vendors to generate side incomes by using this e-commerce platform, Myfood. Myfood is a Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C) business model which aims to provide a platform for housewives, students or vendors to promote their foods or drinks to the customers by serving highest quality and halal foods that suited their appetite. This platform will handle every processes from the beginning of placing orders until delivery it to the customers. Nine blocks of Business Model Canvas (BMC) framework, Literature Review, Strategy Canvas, Value Proposition Canvas (VPC), and Environmental Map have been used as the methodology for this paper. |
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Title : Developing a Methodology for Calculating the Working Angles of Cutting Tools with Replaceable Cutting Inserts Authors : Tanya G. Avramova
Abstract :
Taking into account the kinematics of the cutting process and the trajectory of the relatively working movement is described trajectory of an arbitrary point of the active part of the cutting edge of a specific tool. The rake face and the clearance angle face of a tool are described and also the surface of the cutting. Mathematical dependence for the determination of direction of flow of the chip is obtained. The obtained results are used for: design of cutting tools; analysis of method of machining and developing a strategy for the chip breaking. |
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Title : Deform Of RC Beams Due To Reinforcement Corrosion Authors : Parveen Kumar Jangra, Er. Bhavana Arora
Abstract :
Reinforced concrete has been used as essential materials in main load-carrying system of various structures in several countries. Reinforced concrete is recognized to be durable and capable of withstanding a variety of environment conditions. Nevertheless, failures of structures still do occur as a result of premature steel reinforcement corrosion. The corrosion of rebar in reinforced concrete, shown in Figure 1.1, deforms/deteriorates the strength of such a structure. The effects of corrosion is even more pronounced in flexural reinforced concrete member as nearly all of tension force is exerted on steel reinforcement. |
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Title : Significance of Campus Placement Drive in Engineering & Management Institutions Authors : Dr. Nitin Singh Sikerwar
Abstract :
The technological problems faced by modern society are quite complex and it is the duty of the engineers to provide appropriate solutions. This solution providing makes engineering a fascinating field of study and will provide engineers with a wonderful opportunity to make a difference in the society. To be successful, engineering students must become skilled in basic engineering principles and practices, be trained to think analytically, learn how to communicate effectively, and work in multidisciplinary teams. Students often have misconceptions about a career in engineering. Engineering education requires a transformation to meet the needs of employers, the challenges facing the profession and the community as a consequence of the rapid development of technology, the demands of large and complex projects and the need for socially responsible multidisciplinary innovation. A bachelor’s degree in engineering opens the door to several professional careers and exciting higher study options. In today’s high-tech world, an engineering degree is a great foundation for careers in traditional engineering fields as well as careers in management, sales, government, medicine, research, law, teaching, and many more. |
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Title : Study of RC Beams with Special Reference to Reinforcement Corrosion Authors : Dr. Arvind Dewangan, Er. Rajnish Magotra, Dr. D.P.Gupta
Abstract :
The objective of this thesis is to study how progressive corrosion is detrimental to reinforced concrete beams. Specifically, the aim is to investigate both qualitatively and quantitatively the changes in flexural crack development, mode of failure and change in load-carrying capacity of RC beams under static loading subjected to corrosion at different levels. The deterioration levels are also assessed using non-destructive ultrasonic guided waves. |
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Title : Relationship between Self-Efficacy, a Type Personality and Leader Effectiveness Authors : Muhammad Awais, Qurat-Ul-Ain
Abstract :
Purpose: Self-Efficacy has become increasingly popular as a measure for identifying potentially effective leaders, and as a tool for developing effective leadership skills. The aim of the present paper is to explore the relationship between self-efficacy and leader effectiveness and moderate A type personality. Design/ methodology/ approach: This study is based on banking sector.A survey of 150 people is conducted by distribution questionnaire by Random sampling technique to answer the instrument of the study. SPSS software was used to analyze the data collected. Practical implication: This research paper helps managers to lead their teams on the base of personality and make his leadership more effective to achieve his organization mission and goals. Self-efficacy and leader effectiveness also effect on the employee performance and also relate to the progress of the organization. Value: This paper addresses gap of leader effectiveness and personalities of employees and also personality of leader own. This is 1st quantitative research. The result indicates that the relationship between self-efficacy and leader effectiveness is positive and significant.
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Title : Examination of Motivational Strategies on Employees’ Performance Authors : Abiel A Armah
Abstract :
Motivation plays a key role in employee job performance. Thus, employee motivation has long been a central research topic for scholars and practitioners (Reem, 2011). Motivation is concerned with the question, “Why do people do what they do?” Motivation is a key to understanding many forms of behavior in organizations. Understanding what motivates employees help in understanding the dynamics underlying such important behaviors as job performance, absenteeism, turnover and even counter-productive behavior (Haslam, 2004). If an organization’s leaders understand the motive underlying performance, they can predict their employees’ future performance. In addition, understanding an employees’ motivation for performing at work can allow leaders to structure the work environment to encourage productive work behavior and discourage counter-productive work behavior (Haslam, 2004). For example, if an organization knows that employees are highly motivated by financial incentives, this knowledge can be used to influence performance through the strategic use of pay raises. Scholars argue that public sector officials have an intrinsic motivation to serve the public good. Working in the public service sector has been associated with “an attitude, a sense of duty” and “public morality” (Mathauer & Imhoff, 2010). Nonetheless, this intrinsic motivation, public service morale and the sense of self-worth among public officials have been in decline for many years. It is challenged by unfortunate incidents across the world. Low motivation has been cited as a major factor accounting for this phenomenon. For instance, in 2013, a survey was conducted by a management consultancy firm, Hay Group, on 1,000 United Kingdom government, education and health, and social care employees. It was reported that 70 per cent of respondents felt that their morale was “at an all-time low” (Mathauer & Imhoff 2010). Almost 80 per cent of them were planning to leave their current jobs within the next three years and more than half of the employees reported not feeling supported by their managers (Mathauer & Imhoff 2010). The consultants urged managers to “reinvigorate employees’ enthusiasm and reconnect them with a clear organizational purpose and vision”. Otherwise, they warned that organizations would lose their more capable employees and this in turn would lead to a further loss of morale, productivity and pride (Nettleton, 2013). |
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Title : Motivation and Retention of Graduates in the Public Sector: A Study of Nurses and Teachers in the Ayawaso District of the Greater Accra Region in Ghana Authors : Abiel A Armah
Abstract :
The concept of motivation is an important factor especially considering teachers and health workers worldwide. There is a general disparity in the level of motivation among workers in developed countries compared to developing countries. The disparity further worsens in Africa where motivation among teachers and health workers are disproportionate with workers in the West African sub-region not well paid compared to those in South Africa. This has resulted generally in brain drain of skilled personnel from the low motivated areas especially in the West African sub-region (Bennel, 2004). The low motivation among workers especially in the health and teaching profession has prompted many policy makers and employers of health professionals to adopt several ways and means to motivate its workforce to stay. In Ghana, most of the industrial strikes that have occurred have been undertaken by personnel either in the health or teaching profession. These two areas also employ the largest number of personnel in the public sector in the country. For instance, according to nurses, they work longer hours but their level of remuneration is very low when compared to workers in other sectors such as the financial and construction sectors. With respect to teachers, their major complaints have been the fact that they are posted to deprived areas of the country sometimes with no electricity and access routes. They also state that they train most of the workforce who move to other sectors and earn salaries twice what they are earning. The driving force of teachers’ agitation stem from the fact that when they join the public sector, it takes almost six months to receive their first salaries. This difficulty in receiving first salary when nurses and teachers are first engaged in the public sector has been attributed to the Controller and Accountants Generals Department’s inability to enroll new employees on its payroll. |
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