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Title : Talent Management and Entrepreneurship Authors : Mohamed Ali Ben Matug
Abstract :
in today's business environment, strong competition forces entrepreneurs to compete with creativity and innovation to identify and achieve entrepreneurship goals, and strategies. Currently, entrepreneurs are striving for overall efficiency, effectiveness and quality in their activities, which can be successfully addressed by managing, retaining and harnessing the best talent available in the market successfully. Finding the right people in the right place and at the right time by exploring the labor market is critical to the success and operation of the organization. |
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Title : Organizational Commitment and Its Impact Productivity Authors : S. Anil Kumar, Dr. Chetali Agarwal, Dr. V.Sundareshan
Abstract :
The need for this study arose from the acknowledgement of organizational commitment on employee productivity as the most critical in all organizational analyses, and the determinant often found between goals of the organizational all the needs of employee within it, therefore, necessary to empirically study how the impact of organizational commitment on employee are coping with the challenges of employee productivity. The presence of organizational commitment to employees can be used to gain employees support for organization and in turn maximize the benefits it receive from their employee with greater productivity and individual performance seems to increase in the same proportions. Organizational commitment and employee productivity issue are emerging as the most critical work force management challenges of the past, present and immediate future driven by, employee loyalty. Frontline manager, supervisions, a project leader, team captain or human resource manager actually has more power in an organization to reduce poor productivity, because the factors that drive employee satisfaction and commitment are largely within the direct manager’s control, and for this to be achieved successfully there is need to understand the motive as a bases of performance require to motivate employee in order to improve their commitment to the organization. |
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Title : Application of Multiple Linear Regression in Campus Satisfaction Authors : Ma Jishou
Abstract :
Campus satisfaction is an important basis and dimension for building a harmonious campus. This paper studies campus satisfaction by using multiple linear regression analysis. The author selected 7 factors that affect satisfaction and obtained relevant data through questionnaire survey. After pre-processing the data, SPSS22.0 software was used for multiple linear regression analysis, and the non-significant variables were eliminated one by one by backward culling method to screen out several factors that were significant to campus satisfaction, and finally the optimal regression equation was obtained. To provide some theoretical support for improving university satisfaction |
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Title : Network and Industrial Control Systems (SCADA) Security in the Oil and Gas Industry Authors : Ali Abdollahi, Kamyar Abedi
Abstract :
one of the main causes of attacks on oil industry is the use of vulnerable industrial control systems (SCADA) and the lack of implementation of security requirements in dependent companies. This leads to an increase in attacks against this industry in recent years. The purpose of this paper is at first, a report of vulnerabilities on the industrial control systems on oil and gas industries like SIEMENS, ABB and…, attacks statistics on oil companies in the Middle East like Iran and Qatar Oil Companies; and at the following we study on motivation of attacks that are political agenda, Causeless or done for fun. Finally, we provide secure solutions in different layers of SCADA systems, Communications and related networks, Members security and physical security of Gas and Oil Networks. |
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Title : Dose Every One Accept the Innovations; an Analysis of Demographic Factors on Purchasing Decisions in Mobile Phone Purchasing Authors : B.K.G. Harshana, NHK Cooray
Abstract :
Mobile phones, a rarity in many developing countries at the turn of the century, now seem to be everywhere. The mobile revolution is transforming livelihoods, helping to create new businesses, and changing the way we communicate. Sri Lanka’s mobile phone industry is poised for rapid expansion in the next couple of years mainly due to remarkable growth in the mobile communications market. It is also identified that the Sri Lanka’s mobile industry is one of the most competitive markets in the region. Therefore it is a key factor for the modern marketers in the mobile phone industry to develop break through innovation by closely analyzing the market insights and consumer behavior. The purpose of this study is to identify the influence of demographic factors on the purchase evaluation criteria of mobile phones in Sri Lanka. For this study data will be collected through a survey by collecting data through questionnaire from 100 respondents. . The data collection process will entirely be using a form of online data collection and also self-administered for those that do not have internet facility or technical knowledge. Respondents chosen from online will be from western province in Sri Lanka and main emphasis when selecting the respondents will be given for age, education and occupation levels. Collected data was entered to the SPSS 18.0 software in order to perform the data analysis. Accordingly the survey was conducted to test the hypothesis of the study constructs. As per the study executed by the researcher it was proven that the gender does not have a significant relationship with the purchase evaluation criteria of mobile phones in Sri Lanka whereas age, income, education and occupation showed a significant relationship with the purchase evaluation criteria of mobile phones in Sri Lanka. It also proved that the Sri Lankan mobile phone users and purchasers consider about the utilitarian criteria (objective) at the purchase evaluation of a mobile phone more than the hedonic criteria. But is also contrasted that when you consider occupation and education the higher the levels are the more they look for hedonic criteria (subjective) when purchasing a mobile phone. This study provides valuable insights to the marketers on the important market segmentations of demographic factors and also the understanding of how to alter their marketing mix for different demographic factors. Thereby this study implies that the marketers have to consider that the demographic factors have an influence on the purchase evaluation criteria of mobile phones in the Sri Lankan market. |
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Title : Deep Learning and its Applications: A Survey Authors : C. Sreedhar, N. Kasiviswanath
Abstract :
Deep learning has gained its attractions towards the researchers, academicians and several other organizations in the research areas of big data, genomics, natural language processing, healthcare and brings several challenges and opportunities for various domains such as cosmology, pharmacy and astrophysics. With the increased growth of the data produced by our digital world, deep learning becomes inevitable in providing solutions to the complex and real world problems. It is not far for the researchers to find the solutions for the complex problems to be solved till date such as birth of stars, genetic mutations, cosmological and even the birth and extended life of living organisms. Deep learning will definitely be the active component in finding solutions to such problems. This paper makes an attempt to present the research studies in deep learning with various perspectives. |
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Title : Multi-Objective Optimization of Process Parameter in EDM Using Low-Frequency Vibration of Workpiece Assigned by PSI Authors : Nguyen Duc Luan
Abstract :
This report addresses multi-objective optimization in EDM for SKD61 die steel using low-frequency vibration. PSI (Preferential Selection Index) was chosen to resolve this multi-objective optimization problem. The material removal rate (MRR) and tool wear rate (TWR) were selected as performance measures in the EDM process. The results indicate that the optimum parameters required to achieve the multi-objective were Ton = 12 μs, I = 6 A, Tof = 12.5 μs, and F = 512 Hz, at the resultant quality criteria of MRR = 4.46 mm3/min and TWR = 0.024 mm3/min. |
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Title : Impact the Antisocial Behaviors on Organizational Citizenship Behaviors Authors : Abdulfatah Salem Saadi
Abstract :
The importance of moral behavior to a corporation has ne'er been more apparent, and in recent years researchers have generated an excellent deal of knowledge about the management of individual moral behavior in organizations. we review this literature and attempt to give a coherent portrait of the current state of the field. we discuss individual, group, and organizational influences and consider gaps in current knowledge and obstacles that limit our understanding. we tend to conclude by providing directions for future research on behavioral ethics in organizations. The organization needs to develop its human resources in a way that can build a high level of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). Antisocial Behaviors and organization commitment can become an important factor affecting OCB. The aim of this study is to spot the There is relationship between Antisocial Behaviors and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors (OCB). The samples were derived from a survey using thirty items questionnaire distributed to the two hundred workers. All respondents hold positions in faculties and organizational. The results of the regression analysis showed that there is a statistically significant effect of the behavior of the variables that are directed to the behavior of the organization and the employee in the behavior on the anti-social behaviors. This indicates that whenever the employee's works are good and the staff’s morals are excellent, the work will succeed. |
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Title : Anodic Corrosion of Steel Pipeline in Presence of Novel Compounds Authors : A.M. Ahmed, Adel A.-H.Nassar, M. A. Darweesh, A.H. Manjoud, Essam M. Elmelegy, Mohamed Habour
Abstract :
Preventing the corrosion of steel pipeline has played an important role in various industries. The problem of finding an inhibitor that has little or no impact on the environment has recently motivated numerous studies. Chemical inhibitors are often used for these processes, primarily to control the metal dissolution and acid consumption. Use corrosion inhibitors to prevent metal dissolution and minimize acid consumption. The rates of anodic corrosion of steel pipeline plates in different concentration of phosphoric acid (6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 mol) were determined by measuring the limiting current of anodic dissolution. The rates of corrosion in absence and in presence of acid derivatives have been measured. The corrosion rate depends on the types of inhabitations and its concentrations. The rate of corrosion decreases by amount ranging from 4.05 to 77.88 % in the case of divided cell and undivided cell depending on acid compounds and its concentrations. Those compounds verify Flory- Huggins isotherm. Thermodynamic parameters also given. Antimicrobial activity were examined for the two compounds used as chemical inhibitors. The results indicated that tested compounds did not show high activity against bacteria under test (Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis) while compounds revealed high activity against fungi. All new compounds were active against the microorganisms. The acid derivatives have been examined to show its Antitumor Activity. The results showed that compounds I & compound II possess the highly significant effect against breast cancer cell line (MCF7). These results show that using (.Compound I: 2-{3-[2-(4-Oxo-2-phenylquinazolin-3(4H)-ylamino) acetyl] thioureido}-benzoic acid) &. (Compound II: 2-[2-(4-Oxo-2-phenylquinazolin-3(4H)-ylamino) acetylcarbamo-thioylthio] acetic acid) as inhibitors for the corrosion of steel pipeline did not harmful on human health. |
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Title : How do College Counselors do a Good Job in Employment Guidance under the New Situation Authors : Wang Yaqiong
Abstract :
the overall employment situation of college students is not optimistic due to the increase of college graduates, the imperfect employment market and employment mechanism of college graduates. Therefore, under the new situation, how to do a good job in the guidance of employment has become an urgent subject for college counselors who shoulder the responsibility of training people |
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Title : Impact of Structural Capital & Innovation Capability on Firm Performance, a Case of Pharma Industry in Karachi-Pakistan Authors : Aisha Rauf, Weizhong Fu
Abstract :
It has been argued that the speed in obligation and the ability for adjustment by firms is slower than the modifications & changes happening around. In the present technological competition and fast-paced developments, the firms are facing enormous challenges. Consequently, every invention and innovation may create possibility for employer. Hence, firms need to possess right structural capital & innovation capability. Organizations need to develop new products and share a clear vision so as to embellish the effectiveness of their product improvement & performance. The objective of this paper is to analyze the position of structural capital & innovation capability on company performance. The core areas where SC & IC is applicable has been taken into account including systems & programs, R&D, Culture, knowledge and environment. Similarly, the major areas relevant to IC are also selected including organizational and employees’ innovation, product innovation & launching. The primary data has been collected from 100 employees of different pharmaceutical companies of Karachi using closed ended questionnaire using 5 Likert scale. The secondary data has been taken from the published reports, research articles & case studies. The data has been analyzed using SPSS and descriptive analysis, correlation and regression have been performed. The results indicate that all SC & IC practices were strongly correlated with the performance of the firms. The research suggests that companies need to exercise these practices efficiently on a broader level to achieve higher level of performance. It can be concluded that in order to endure and maintain the expectations, it is imperative for the pharmaceutical industry to adopt these factors (Structural Capital & Innovation Capability) as a practice to further improve their performances |
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Title : Quantum Key Distribution for Internet of Things (IoT) - A Review Authors : Kowsalya T, Sukirtha S, Krithika S
Abstract :
Abstract-In recent years the concept of IOT has gained so much attention that it is merely impossible to imagine our lives without it. IOT is the process of connecting, interacting and sharing information between things helping them to communicate. With its growing importance, the privacy and security details of the users is eventually being subjected to risks. It is not difficult for a person with technical knowledge to hack any information online. This demands the need for a furthermore secure platform of communication for the users. This is where the Quantum key distribution (QKD) comes into play. QKD basically deals with photons, the nature of which is hidden within the nature ‘ itself ’. Any sort of eavesdropping during a communication can be detected easily in QKD. So, this review paper emphasizes QKD as a provably secure way of communication in IOT |
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